general pharmacology special pharmacology (molekulární, buněčné, orgánové i na úrovni celého organismu) Aspirin_03 aspirin1 BASICS OF PHARMACODYNAMICS NON-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF ACTION NON-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF ACTION NON-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF ACTION NON-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF ACTION •ADSORBENTS • • •SUBSTANCES WITH LARGE SURFACE BINDING (ADSORBING) OTHER SUBSTANCES, TOXINS, ETC. - CHARCOAL • NON-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF ACTION SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF ACTION • 1.RECEPTORS 2.ION CHANNELS 3.ENZYMES 4.CARRIERS lock and key image Image48 Antagonism Competitive üligands compete for the same binding site ü c of antagonist decreases agonist effect and inversely üthe presence of antagonist incerases the amounts of agonist needed to evoke the effect Non-competitive üallosteric antagonism üirreverzible bounds ü c of agonist does not interrupt the effect of antagonist ANTAGONISM Physiological antagonism a) Two different ligands act on different target structures and their opposite effects occur in the same organ. Histamine x norepinephrine (affecting of vessels). Affecting of bronchioles. ¥ (H1) ¥ (β2) histamine (bronchoconstriction) salbutamol (bronchodilatation) •HYPERSENSITIVITY - INCERASE OF RECEPTOR SENSITIVITY/COUNTS AFTER CHRONIC ANTAGONIST EXPOSURE • •REBOUND PHENOMENON •AFTER DISCONTINUATION OF LONG-TERM ADMINISTERED DRUGS RETURN TO ITS ORIGINAL STATE OR ↑ INTENSITY OF THE ORIGINAL CONDITION (HYPERSENSITIVITY OF RECEPTORS TO ENDOGENOUS LIGANDS → UP-REGULATION) •EXAMPLE: CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF Β BLOCKERS Up regulation of β-receptors following long-term therapy - -abrupt cessation of therapy may lead to excessive stimulation of β-receptors thereby exacerbating the symptoms Figure 3. Representation of beta-receptor density changes as a result of chronic beta-antagonist therapy. A. Representation of beta-receptor density on cardiac myocyte prior to initiation of beta-antagonist therapy. B. Reduction in beta-receptor stimulation after initiation of beta antagonist. C. Receptor upregulation as a result of chronic beta-receptor blockade. D. Supersensitivity of cardiac myocyte following abrupt withdrawal of beta-antagonist therapy. A.Representation of beta-receptor density on cardiac myocyte prior to initiation of beta-antagonist therapy. B. B. Reduction in beta-receptor stimulation after initiation of beta antagonist. C. Receptor upregulation as a result of chronic beta-receptor blockade. D. Supersensitivity of cardiac myocyte following abrupt withdrawal of beta-antagonist therapy. rebound phenomenon ! •DESENSITIZATION – REDUCED RECEPTOR SENSITIVITY/COUNTS AFTER CHRONIC AGONIST EXPOSURE •TOLERANCE – REDUCED SENSITIVITY TO THE ACTIVE SUBSTANCE, ARISING FROM THE REPEATED ADMINISTRATION OF THE DRUG (DAYS – WEEKS) → DOWN-REGULATION •EFFECT REQUIRES INCREASINGLY HIGHER DOSES •THE ORIGINAL REACTIVITY RETURNS A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME AFTER DISCONTINUATION OF THE DRUG •EX. OF TOLERANCE – OPIOIDS ADMINISTRATION Receptor clasification Katzung BG, 2001 rcpt_sys_nic_ag1 auto1 Kinase-linked receptors Insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity glucose transporter glucose ↑cell metabolism ↑phospho- rylation of proteins BASICS OF PHARMACOKINETICS AUCpo F = ----------- AUC iv obrazek lepsi2 čas Oral administration AUC Presystemic elimination First pass effect intupta 3l –plazma, 12l –extracel. tekutina, 42l –celk.těles.tek., 1000l – depo! The apparent volume of distribution, Vd, is defined as the volume that would contain the total body content of the drug at a concentration equal to that present in the plasma Příklad léčiva s nízkým distribučním objemem Příklad léčiva s vysokým distribučním objemem More hydrophilic compounds, sometimes active metabolites polocas1 biologický poločas