[DEL: úkol :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: 1. :DEL] [DEL: Mluvtecesky.net :DEL] [DEL: Čeština pro přežití :DEL] [DEL: Seznamujeme se :DEL] [DEL: -469761272. :DEL] [DEL: Zelená – strana 10/ cvičení 25-28 :DEL] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Domácí úkol :INS] 1. [INS: Strana 5 / cvičení 2 :INS] 2. [INS: Strana 7 / cvičení 10 :INS] 3. [INS: Strana 8 / cvičení 16 :INS] 4. [INS: Strana 13 / cvičení 40, 41, 43 :INS] 5. [INS: Strana 11/ cvičení 30 :INS] 6. [INS: Strana 14 / cvičení 46 :INS] 7. [INS: Strana 15/ cvičení 1 :INS] 07/10 Ø Domácí úkol – kontrola Ø Papírek – slovesa - opakování Ø Opakování – Kde je to? Lokace. Vpravo, vlevo, uprostřed, nahoře, dole. Ø Asking for and giving directions. Ø Gramatický rod Ø Jedu autem, autobusem Ø Writing emails Ø Čísla 11-1000 Ø test Ø test – 30 minut – · Substitutions are not possible in the weeks when Progress Tests take place. · The basic limit for passing all tests is 70% (35/50 points). · There will be five progress tests (4 written, 1 oral), each for 50 points · Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam by awarding grade "N" in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination.