Instructions for students: Students have to answer 7/10 questions to pass. The answer must be in czech language, in a complete sentence and must be comprehensible. The question can be repeated (upon czech request) one more time. Time limit: 5 minutes 1 question = 5 points; passmark: 7/10 questions = 35/50 points Questions bellow are only model question. Instead of three dots, there can be any relevant vocabulary. Other questions (not mentioned) from L1–L5 can be also asked. Starting questions L1 questions What do you do… Co děláte … + parts of the day + time + days in a week Orientation Kde bydlíte? Jak jedete do kampusu? Jak jedete domů? Family Jaký/jaká/jaké je váš/vaše …? Kolik je mu/jí let? Jaké-otázky Jaké/jaká/jaký je …. (places, food, drinks)? Co/jaký/jaká/Jaké … vám chutná? Co si dáte k pití? + Jaký? Jakou? Jaké? Co si dáte k jídlu? + Jaký? Jakou? Jaké? Jaký/jaká/jaké … ne/máte rád/a? Kdy-otázky Kdy je …? V kolik hodin začíná …? V kolik hodin končí …? Kdy / v kolik hodin + a verb? Places and activities Co je v + place/city? Co děláte v + place?