MUNI MED MUNI MED 16 Neocortex II 2 Neocortex II Neocortex Association cortice» Primary sensory and motor Eire as Parietal lobe Primary areas ^Somathotopic organization Association areas SNo somathotopic organization 3 Neocortex II ^ Primary somatosensory cortex Copyright® Peareon Education. Inc.. publishing as GeniaminCummings UNI ED Cortical functions Neocortex II Frontal lobe Executive functions, thinking, planning, organising and problem solving, emotions and behavioural control, personality Motor cortex Movement Sensory cortex Sensations Parietal lobe Perception, making sense of the world, arithmetic, spelling Occipital lobe Vi si on Temporal lobe Memory, understanding language MUNI ED Cortical functions Neocortex II Frontal lobe Executive functions, thinking, planning, organising and problem solving, emotions and behavioural control, personality Motor cortex Movement Sensory cortex Sensations Parietal lobe Pe rcepli onjn a ki n g ttworld. Occipital lobe Vision UNI ED Cortical functions Neocortex II Frontal lobe Executive functions, thinking, planning, org; pr< ei Motor cortex Movement Sensory cortex Sensations Parietal lobe Perception,jnaking (World. Hing MUNI ED Communication • Signal exchange S Smell S Visual S Acoustic • Between individuals of S Same species S Different species Encoding S Simple - body size S Complex - dance of the honey bee Msg Encoding Mi9 Decoding Msg 7 Neocortex Feedback Context tnunicationsProcess.jpg MUNI ED Communication in human society Non-verbal - Hard to control - Influence of limbic systei Verbal - Fully controllable - Neocortex Language The most sophisticated tool of communication Language is characteristic that defines the human species - No human society without language - No other species that have a language Language was a precondition for development of complex soc and development of culture Language • The ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so 10 Neocortex II MUNI MED Language • The ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so 11 Neocortex II MUNI MED Language • The ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so • Complex hierarchic code > Syllable - Unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds > Word - Symbol with a meaning 12 Neocortex II MUNI MED Language • The ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so • Complex hierarchic code > Syllable - Unit of organization for a sequence of speech sounds > Word - Symbol with a meaning > Sentence A group of words organized according to the rules of syntax Learning to speak Learning to speak takes a long time period Understanding - „sensoric" Speaking - „motor action" number of words 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 18 24 30 36 months 14 Neocortex II Native 3-7 S-10 11-16 17-39 Age of arrival (years) UNI ED Learning to speak Learning to speak takes a long time period Understanding - „sensoric" Speaking - „motor action" • 7.-12. month - baby begins to understand simple orders 1. year - baby uses a couple of words 2. -5. years - baby maters syntax rules 6. years - child uses around 2500 words 15 Neocortex II number of words 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 18 24 30 36 months Native 3-7 S-10 11-16 17-39 Age of arrival (years) UNI ED Learning to speak Learning to speak takes a long time period Understanding - „sensoric" Speaking - „motor action" • 7.-12. month - baby begins to understand simple orders 1. year - baby uses a couple of words 2. -5. years - baby maters syntax rules 6. years - child uses around 2500 words • Adult vocabulary • Active: 3000 -10 000 words • Passive: 3-6x higher than active v. 16 Neocortex II number of words 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 12 18 24 30 36 months Native 3-7 S-10 11-16 17-39 Age of arrival (years) UNI ED Arcuate fasciculus anguage areas Angular gyrus Broca's area Wernicke's area There are two main language areas Broca's area (motor) S Close to motor cortex • Wernicke's area (sensor) S Close to auditory cortex Fasciculus arcuatus 17 Neocortex II UNI ED Arcuate fasciculus anguage areas Angular gyrus Broca's area Wernicke's area There are two main language areas Broca's area (motor) S Close to motor cortex • Wernicke's area (sensor) S Close to auditory cortex • Fasciculus arcuatus 18 Neocortex II Broca's aphasia S Motor, expressive S Comprehension preserved, speach unarticulated Wernicke's aphasia S perceptive, sensor S Comprehension damaged, speech fluent, but not meaningful Conduction aphasia S Damage of fasc. arcuatus S Speech fluent, comprehension preserved S Problem with repeating words and sentences Dysarthria S Problem with articulation S For example, damage of vocal cord ... MUNI ED B roc as area 19 Neocortex II Bnocas area Wernicke's area Area 45 S Semantic processing ^selection and manipulation with appropriate words" Area 44 S Phonological processing and language production ^selection and activation of particular motor centers" UNI ED Wernicke's area Area 22 y"esentations v Three subdivisions 1. The first responds to spoken words (including the individual's own) and other sounds 2. The second responds only to words spoken by someone else but is also activated wh* the individual recalls a list of words. Neocortexii 3. The third sub-area seems more closely associated with producing speech than with perceiving it Algorithm of sound processing MUNI 21 Neocortex Ii V P-O-T association COrteX -meaningful - No meaning 22 Neocortex II Lobulus parietalis inferior ST S I 2: ■b o =3 p Brora's area pnmajy visual WetQick£:s.aT&a p&roary auditory area Gyrus supramarginalis (Area 40) S Phonological and articulatory processing of words Gyrus angularis (Area 39) S Semantic processing Rich communication with Broca's and Wernicke's areas (triangular communication) Integration of auditory, visual and somatosensory information UNI ED Integration of auditory, visual and somatosensory information Motor y he Prefrontal area Broca's speech area Primary^ *\ Somatic Interpretative areas I Somatic 23 Neocortex II P - O - T association cortex Lobulus parietalis inferior Interpretation of sound Interpretation of visual signal Interpretation of somatosensation Interpretation of spoken/read word ^-Visual ^= | i interpretative Auditory-^ i areas ^interpretative areas *s*^^Primary visual Wernicke's area Categorization u E I D Lobulus parietalis inferior • Late evolutionary as well as ontogenic development • Fully developed at the age of 5 - 6 years - Children usually cannot „activelly" read before this age (understand the meaning of the text which he/she reads) 24 Neocortex II MUNI MED Lobulus parietalis inferior • Late evolutionary as well as ontogenic development • Fully developed at the age of 5 - 6 years - Children usually cannot „activelly" read before this age (understand the meaning of the text which he/she reads) • The language functions algorythms are also involved in complex „inner" categorization • The language („both spoken and inner") enabled development of complex (abstract) thinking and development of culture 25 Neocortex II MUNI MED Lobulus parietalis inferior • Late evolutionary as well as ontogenic development • Fully developed at the age of 5 - 6 years - Children usually cannot „activelly" read before this age (understand the meaning of the text which he/she reads) • The language functions algorythms are also involved in complex „inner" categorization • The language („both spoken and inner") enabled development of complex (abstract) thinking and development of culture • The human society development is linked to information technology development S Spoken language S A system of writing S Printing ^ Internet MUNI E D Language functions lateralization Broca's and Wernicke's area is localized in the left hemisphere in 97% of people Localization of B-W areas is not fully linked to left/right hand lateralization S 90% of people are right handed S 95% of right handed people have B-W area in the left hemisphere S The majority of left handed people has B-W areas also in left hemisphere Language functions lateralization • Broca's and Wernicke's area is localized in the left hemisphere in 97% of people • Localization of B-W areas is not fully linked to left/right hand lateralization S 90% of people are right handed S 95% of right handed people have B-W area in the left hemisphere S The majority of left handed people has B-W areas also in left hemisphere Some scientists suggest that the left hemisphere dominance for language evolved from this hemisphere's better motor control • The language specialization develops in the left hemisphere, which matures slightly earlier 28 Neocortex II MUNI MED Right hemisphere language functions Left and Right Brain Functions Non-verbal aspect of language S Prosody - intonation, stress... Non-literal language aspects S Irony S Metaphors Understanding to discourse / complex speech S Lecture, discussion Left-Bra in Functions Analytic thought Logic Language Science and math Bight-Brain Functions Holistic thought Intuition Creativity Art and music 29 Neocortex II MUNI ED Women and language • Females' speech is more fluent - they can pronounce more words or sentences in a given amount of time 30 Neocortex II MUNI MED Women and language • Females' speech is more fluent - they can pronounce more words or sentences in a given amount of time • Women have the reputation of being able to talk and listen while doing all sorts of things at the same time • Women language is more widespread in both hemispheres while in men more left lateralized - more nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of their brains, which also suggests that more information is exchanged between them. 31 Neocortex II MUNI MED Women and language • Females' speech is more fluent - they can pronounce more words or sentences in a given amount of time • Women have the reputation of being able to talk and listen while doing all sorts of things at the same time • Women language is more widespread in both hemispheres while in men more left lateralized - more nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of their brains, which also suggests that more information is exchanged between them. • The males' higher levels of testosterone, which delays the development of the left hemisphere - 4 times more boys than girls suffer from stuttering, dyslexia 32 Neocortex II MUNI MED Functional diagnostic methods • Detection of electrical activity - Higher neuronal activity - higher electrical activity - Electroencephalography (EEG) • Detection of regional blood flow - Higher neuronal activity - increased blod flow - Single photon emission tomography (SPECT) - Positron emission tomography (PET) - Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) EEG Detection of neuronal electrical activity monopolar arrangement: - active electrode - indifferent electrode = referential recording bipolar recording - lead (channel) - ground electrode EEG voltage in microvolts (vs. in mV in neurons) 34 Neocortex II Scalp Skull _—- Dura mater -Arachnoid '-Subarachnoid space Fia mater Afferent axons Efferent axons 01211/article_deploy/html/images/sensors-12-01211fl-1024.png n'°n UNI ED Beta(ß) 13-30 Hz ^^^r^WV-f^^ Frontally and parietally Alpha (a) 8-13 Hz Occipitally Theta(0) 4-3 Hz Children, sleeping adults Delta (5) G.5-4 Hz Infants, sleeping adults 35 Neocortex II MUNI MED Beta(ß) 13-30 Hz +~^r^JW>^^ Frontally and parietally Alpha (a) 8-13 Hz Occipitally Theta(0) 4-3 Hz Children, sleeping adults Delta (5) G.5-4 Hz Infants, sleeping adults Spikes 3 Hz Epilepsy - 200 - petit mal V[uV] 100 - 0 J 36 Neocortex II 0 12 3 Time [s]4 A /A A rmlOVtb left(A1-Cz) II. fiigliUM-ü] Wf\ A A^fi^,^ 1 *,,u leftWHri FtighMA Hghl Qickl ]100 JLV Grantf mal epilepsy =0ahUKEwjyr82lm6veAhUliaYKHfquClkQ_AUIDigB&biw=1222&bih=574#imgrc=nCNGCX88H 3K7ZM: UNI ED PET a SPECT Injection of radionuclide labeled substances Short half live of radionuclide - Necessary to prepare shortly before application - Nuclear medicine department SPECT - Single photon emission computer tomograhy - radionuclide is the source of gamma rays - Low resolution (around 1 cm) PET Positron emission tomography radionuclide is the source of positrons Positron annihilation produces two gamma photons - higher resolution (around 2mm) SPECT OJ W) re t £ 'euD c oo O g > oo E 3 i- m O u Functional regions of te brain http://wwwxhroniclebooksxom/blog/wp-content/uploads/brain-scan fMRI Different atoms (nuclei) have various ^ "°~ cS"°~ ^ magnetic properties when exposed to ^ h ^ strong magnetic field ^ Hydrogen 0 fMRI uses different magnetic properties of c> ^ ^ ^ oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin reduced hemoglobin becomes - paramagnetic, change the signal emitted by blood, we can measure the amount of ^ oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin as an indicator -o of the blood flow * ~°~ -o- High resolution (up tolmm) "<> No radiation -o ' o -o- A Early bilingual B Late bilingual 40 Neocortex II Kim, K. H. S., Relkin, N. R., Lee, K.-M. & Hirsch, J. Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages. Nature 388, 171-174 (1997). MUNI MED MUNI 86. The basic characterization of neocortical functions - language and social brain, basic overview of functional diagnostic methods used in neurology • Communication and language • Language areas - localization and fuctuion including lobulus parietalis inferior, aphasia.. • Lateralization of language functions, gender differences Social brain Human is a social beeing, so the brain has to be designed accordingly Frontal lobe and limbic system in behavioral control Triune brain theory, whole brain model, mentalization, dehumanization The Highest Functions of Nervous System ■ , SPECT, PET, MUNI MED