17 The Highest Functions of Nervous System - Psychological and Social Aspects of Brain Activity I The Highest Functions of Nervous System I2 Frontal association area • Executive function – Motor / behavioral – Cognitive • Mostly developed in human •1. Australopithecus robustus 2. Homo habilis 3. Homo erectus 4. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis 5. Homo sapiens sapiens http://www.slideshare.net/drpsdeb/presentations 3 The Highest Functions of Nervous System I Functions of frontal association area The Highest Functions of Nervous System I4 ➢ Motor/non-motor planning/organization - strategy - anticipation ➢ Thinking – mental models processing ➢ Attention – „information filtering“ ➢ Behavioral control – Facilitation of „wanted“ – Inhibition of „unwanted“ http://thenextweb.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2015/03/jerry1.jpg http://thenextweb.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2015/03/jerry1.jpg Social brain may be considered as an anticipation in social context Socialization The Highest Functions of Nervous System I5 ✓ Socialization is an evolutionary strategy of „weak/less skilfull“ ✓ Socialization allows its members to be „weak/less sklifull“ ✓ The social group brings its members benefits which could not be achieved on an individual basis ✓ Society ➢ Collaboration ➢ Categorization of duties and responsibilities ➢ Hierearchy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society#/media/File:Canis_l upus_pack_surrounding_Bison.jpg https://wallhere.com/cs/wallpaper/1065382 http://www.slideshare.n et/drpsdeb/presentation s Society The Highest Functions of Nervous System I6 https://cdn.nexternal.com/tjb/images/FC-11.jpg https://s-media-cache- ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9a/86/da/9a86da32052973bb085dc1511d4b7102.jpg http://previews.123rf.com/images/dja65/dja651107/dja65110700341/10025966-Stone- age-axe-Stock-Photo-tools-ancient-stone.jpg http://www.thebushcraftstore.co.uk/ekmps/shops/ bduimportsltd/images/condor-greenland-pattern- axe-[2]-12105-p.jpg Society The Highest Functions of Nervous System I7 https://cdn.nexternal.com/tjb/images/FC-11.jpg https://s-media-cache- ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9a/86/da/9a86da32052973bb085dc1511d4b7102.jpg http://previews.123rf.com/images/dja65/dja651107/dja65110700341/10025966-Stone- age-axe-Stock-Photo-tools-ancient-stone.jpg http://www.thebushcraftstore.co.uk/ekmps/shops/ bduimportsltd/images/condor-greenland-pattern- axe-[2]-12105-p.jpg Three States of Knowledge and Cognition The Highest Functions of Nervous System I8 Philosophy : Mind behind Mind Psychology : MindNeuroscience: Brain http://www.slideshare.net/drpsdeb/presentations 8 PS Deb Three States of Knowledge and Cognition The Highest Functions of Nervous System I9 Philosophy : Mind behind Mind Psychology : MindNeuroscience: Brain http://www.slideshare.net/drpsdeb/presentations FACTSFACTS THEORIESTHEORIES 9 The Highest Functions of Nervous System I10 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2f/60/99/2f609962e23fdce7a008fb224d316256.gif https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm ons/thumb/d/d4/Paul_D_MacLean.jpg/220px- Paul_D_MacLean.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I11 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2f/60/99/2f609962e23fdce7a008fb224d316256.gif The Highest Functions of Nervous System I12 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2f/60/99/2f609962e23fdce7a008fb224d316256.gif Integration of internal and external informations DRIVE The Highest Functions of Nervous System I13 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2f/60/99/2f609962e23fdce7a008fb224d316256.gif Integration of internal and external informations DRIVE Influence of hypothalamus on neocortex The Highest Functions of Nervous System I14 • (Papez circuit) • Via neuromodulationg systems – Consciuosness – Mood • Via thalamus – Via nucleus mediodorsalis to orbitofrontal cortex (influence on decision making) – Influence gating function of pther thalamic nuclei http://ausm.org.uk/wp- content/uploads/2015/02/Dopamine_Norepinephrine_Serotonin.jpg https://decodingfilm.files.wordpress.com/2014 /09/tea.png?w=272&h=300 Whole brain model The Highest Functions of Nervous System I15 http://www.sacsa.sa.edu.au/ATT/%7BBA2B8C52-92B6-4C17- AEEB- 3A9D4F9AE8DE%7D/images/BackgroundInfo/images/image8.gif http://rolandspinola.de/herrmann_int ernational_deutschland.html Whole brain model The Highest Functions of Nervous System I16 http://www.12manage.com/images/picture_herrm ann_whole_brain_model.gif http://www.sacsa.sa.edu.au/ATT/%7BBA2B8C52-92B6-4C17- AEEB- 3A9D4F9AE8DE%7D/images/BackgroundInfo/images/image8.gif http://rolandspinola.de/herrmann_int ernational_deutschland.html http://www.herrmannsolutions.com/what-is-whole-brain-thinking-2/ The Highest Functions of Nervous System I17 https://web.limbic-personality.com/files/CjvXQ2.bmp https://web.limbic-personality.com/ / http://scottschwefel.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/smart-skills.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I18 https://web.limbic-personality.com/files/CjvXQ2.bmp https://web.limbic-personality.com/ / Every brain is unique 19 • Emotionally – Limbic system • Rationally – Neocortex The Highest Functions of Nervous System I http://cortechsnews.cortechslabs.com/hubfs/brains.png?t=1485216931168 The Highest Functions of Nervous System I20 http://fundersandfounders.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/9-types-of-intelligence-infographic.png The Highest Functions of Nervous System I21 http://customersecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Army-Personality-Types.png The Highest Functions of Nervous System I22 http://customersecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Army-Personality-Types.png Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow The Highest Functions of Nervous System I23 http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow-pyramid.jpg Universal Individual https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Maslow#/medi a/File:Abraham_Maslow.jpg Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow The Highest Functions of Nervous System I24 http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow-pyramid.jpg Universal Individual Social brain or asocial brain? The Highest Functions of Nervous System I25 http://i.imgur.com/zOSnsEl.jpg Social brain or asocial brain? The Highest Functions of Nervous System I26 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Battleship_Strasbourg_after_bomb_attack%2C_1944.jpg Social brain or asocial brain? The Highest Functions of Nervous System I27 http://people.com/celebrity/nick-ut-photographer-talks-kim-phuc-napalm-girl-photo-42-years-later/ Nick Ut, Trang Bang 1972 Social brain The Highest Functions of Nervous System I28 http://anthropology.si.edu/writteninbone/images/G0500_large.jpg http://www.ancient.eu/uploads/images/display-1166.jpg „The first sign of civilization was a femur that had been broken and then healed… Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts“ Margaret Mead • the ability to understand the mental state, of oneself or others, that underlies the behavior ➢ Rationally ➢ Emotionally Mentalization The Highest Functions of Nervous System I29 http://blog.oup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/1260-iStock_000017161665_Large.jpg • the ability to understand the mental state, of oneself or others, that underlies the behavior ➢ Rationally ➢ Emotionally Mentalization The Highest Functions of Nervous System I30 http://blog.oup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/1260-iStock_000017161665_Large.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I31 Social brain http://mywwwzone.heckyeahllc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/brain-front-view.jpg http://www.autotribute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Rimac-electric-supercar-front-view.jpg http://l.rgbimg.com/cache1qciLh/users/d/dr/dro w/600/mWyqBmm.jpg http://media2.fdncms.com/arktimes/imager/u/orig inal/4147437/i-80_eastshore_fwy.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I32 http://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/ibn8LbKHvbxI/v1/-1x-1.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Dunbar Robin Dunbar Social brain The Highest Functions of Nervous System I33 http://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/ibn8LbKHvbxI/v1/-1x-1.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Dunbar Robin Dunbar Social brain http://www.slideshare.net/EXCCELessex/robin-dunbar-has-the-internet-changed-our-social-world?qid=8bec5233-8b90-40fa- 9c8c-a7033224c639&v=&b=&from_search=1 The Highest Functions of Nervous System I34 Every brain is a powerful machine… http://mywwwzone.heckyeahllc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/brain-front-view.jpg http://www.autotribute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Rimac-electric-supercar-front-view.jpg … which is hard to control The Highest Functions of Nervous System I35 The conflict between the limbic system and the neocortex http://all-free-download.com/free-vector/download/love-or-money-work-life-balance-scales_313110.html The Highest Functions of Nervous System I36 Limbic system and neocortex Limbic system - Emotions / drive Neocortex - Action https://s-media-cache- ak0.pinimg.com/originals/84/34/b1/8434b124 c9fc92003051c56b088906a5.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I37 Limbic system and neocortex Limbic system - Emotions / drive Neocortex - Action http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg https://s-media-cache- ak0.pinimg.com/originals/84/34/b1/8434b124 c9fc92003051c56b088906a5.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I38 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Instinctive behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓I see a nice thing, so why not to steel it? Socially enforced behavior ➢ Legal behavior ➢ Neocortex – limbický system ✓Theft is a crime, and punishment may come Moral behavior ➢ Legitime behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓Stealing is a bad thing The Highest Functions of Nervous System I39 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Instinctive behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓I see a nice thing, so why not to steel it? Socially enforced behavior ➢ Legal behavior ➢ Neocortex – limbic system ✓Theft is a crime, and punishment may come Moral behavior ➢ Legitime behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓Stealing is a bad thing The Highest Functions of Nervous System I40 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Instinctive behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓I see a nice thing, so why not to steel it? Socially enforced behavior ➢ Legal behavior ➢ Neocortex – limbic system ✓Theft is a crime, and punishment may come Moral behavior ➢ Legitime behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓Stealing is a bad thing The Highest Functions of Nervous System I41 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Instinctive behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓I see a nice thing, so why not to steel it? Socially enforced behavior ➢ Legal behavior ➢ Neocortex – limbic system ✓Theft is a crime, and punishment may come Moral behavior ➢ Legitime behavior ➢ Limbic system ✓Stealing is a bad thing The Highest Functions of Nervous System I42 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Information NEOCORTEX vs Complex information NEOCORTEX/limbic system vs Values/Philosophy/Faith Neocortex/LIMBIC SYSTEM The Highest Functions of Nervous System I43 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Information NEOCORTEX vs Complex information NEOCORTEX/limbic system vs Values/Philosophy/Faith Neocortex/LIMBIC SYSTEM „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles The Highest Functions of Nervous System I44 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Information NEOCORTEX vs Complex information NEOCORTEX/limbic system vs Values/Philosophy/Faith Neocortex/LIMBIC SYSTEM „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles The Highest Functions of Nervous System I45 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Information NEOCORTEX vs Complex information NEOCORTEX/limbic system vs Values/Philosophy/Faith Neocortex/LIMBIC SYSTEM „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles The Highest Functions of Nervous System I46 Limbic system and neocortex http://www.coaching.net.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iceberg-for- blog-from-J-e1371521135440.jpg Information NEOCORTEX vs Complex information NEOCORTEX/limbic system vs Values/Philosophy/Faith Neocortex/LIMBIC SYSTEM „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles „ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“ Aristoteles The Highest Functions of Nervous System I47 Individual / subjective character of brain activity LIMBIC SYSTEM – IRATIONALLIMBIC SYSTEM – IRATIONAL • Irational preferences • Irational fear • Phobia – Panic (extreme) irational fear ➢Specific ➢Social • http://www.fearof.net/ https://images.sciencedaily.com/2008/03/080320132646_1_900x600.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I48 Individual / subjective character of brain activity LIMBIC SYSTEM – IRATIONALLIMBIC SYSTEM – IRATIONAL • Irational preferences • Irational fear • Phobia – Panic (extreme) irational fear ➢Specific ➢Social • http://www.fearof.net/ https://images.sciencedaily.com/2008/03/080320132646_1_900x600.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I49 Individual / subjective character of brain activity NEOCORTEX – RATIONALNEOCORTEX – RATIONAL • (Pseudo)rational preferences • Imagination http://www.hospitality-school.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/guest- preference-2.jpg The Highest Functions of Nervous System I50 Individual / subjective character of brain activity NEOCORTEX – RATIONALNEOCORTEX – RATIONAL • Imagine red car… The Highest Functions of Nervous System I51 Individual / subjective character of brain activity NEOCORTEX – RATIONALNEOCORTEX – RATIONAL • Imagine red car… https://www.google.cz/search?q=red+car&biw=1150&bih=492&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBupCC_5PSAhVDbBoKHe53B98QsAQIGA#tbm=isch&q=red+car+white+background The Highest Functions of Nervous System I52 Individual / subjective character of brain activity NEOCORTEX – RATIONALNEOCORTEX – RATIONAL • Imagine red Ferrari… https://www.google.cz/search?q=red+car&biw=1150&bih=492&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBupCC_5PSAhVDbBoKHe53B98QsAQIGA#tbm=isch&q=red+ferrari+white+background 53 Individual / subjective character of brain activity NEOCORTEX – RATIONALNEOCORTEX – RATIONAL • Imagine red Ferrari 458 from the side… https://www.google.cz/search?q=red+car&biw=1150&bih=492&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBupCC_5PSAhVDbBoKHe53B98QsAQIGA#tbm=isch&q=red+ferrari+458+from+side+white+background The Highest Functions of Nervous System I 54 Individual / subjective character of brain activity NEOCORTEX – RATIONALNEOCORTEX – RATIONAL • Imagine red Ferrari 458 from the side… • Closer specification (more conditions) leads us to a more consistent output, but increases the likelihood of errors ✓ Random – some specifications are randomly overlooked ✓ System – some specification is unknown (How does Ferrari 458 look like?) https://www.google.cz/search?q=red+car&biw=1150&bih=492&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBupCC_5PSAhVDbBoKHe53B98QsAQIGA#tbm=isch&q=red+ferrari+458+from+side+white+background The Highest Functions of Nervous System I Every brain is unique 55 • Emotionally – Limbic system • Rationally – Neocortex The Highest Functions of Nervous System I http://cortechsnews.cortechslabs.com/hubfs/brains.png?t=1485216931168 The Highest Functions of Nervous System I56 Every brain is a powerful machine… http://mywwwzone.heckyeahllc.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/brain-front-view.jpg http://www.autotribute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Rimac-electric-supercar-front-view.jpg … which is hard to control 86. The basic characterization of neocortical functions – language and social brain, basic overview of functional diagnostic methods used in neurology The Highest Functions of Nervous System I57 • Communication and language • Language areas – localization and fuctuion including lobulus parietalis inferior, aphasia… • Lateralization of language functions, gender differences • Social brain • Human is a social beeing, so the brain has to be designed accordingly • Frontal lobe and limbic system in behavioral control • Triune brain theory, whole brain model, mentalization, dehumanization • Functional diagnostic methods (EEG, SPECT, PET , fMRI)