VIRAL HEPATITIS C EPI; Autumn 2019 Features of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Incubation period Average 6-7 weeks Range 2-26 weeks Acute illness (jaundice) Mild (<20%) Case fatality rate Low Chronic infection 60%-85% Chronic hepatitis 10%-70% (most asx) Cirrhosis <5%-20% Mortality from CLD 1%-5% Age- related HEPATITIS C (Hepatitis C virus) – Case definition Clinical Criteria  Not relevant for surveillance purposes Laboratory Criteria  At least one of the following three:  — Detection of hepatitis C virus nucleic acid (HCV RNA)  — Detection of hepatitis C virus core antigen (HCV-core)  — Hepatitis C virus specific antibody (anti-HCV) response confirmed by a confirmatory (e.g. immunoblot) antibody test in persons older than 18 months without evidence of resolved infection) Epidemiological Criteria NA Case Classification  A. Possible case NA  B. Probable case NA  C. Confirmed case  Any person meeting the laboratory criteria Chronic Hepatitis C Factors Promoting Progression or Severity  Increased alcohol intake  Age > 40 years at time of infection  HIV co-infection  Other – Male gender – Chronic HBV co-infection Serologic Pattern of Acute HCV Infection with Recovery Symptoms +/Time after Exposure Titer anti-HCV ALT Normal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 YearsMonths HCV RNA Serologic Pattern of Acute HCV Infection with Progression to Chronic Infection Symptoms +/Time after Exposure Titer anti-HCV ALT Normal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 YearsMonths HCV RNA Exposures Known to Be Associated With HCV Infection in the United States  Injecting drug use  Transfusion, transplant from infected donor  Occupational exposure to blood – Mostly needle sticks  Iatrogenic (unsafe injections)  Birth to HCV-infected mother  Sex with infected partner – Multiple sex partners Injecting Drug Use and HCV Transmission  Highly efficient – Contamination of drug paraphernalia, not just needles and syringes  Rapidly acquired after initiation – 30% prevalence after 3 years – >50% after 5 years  Four times more common than HIV Posttransfusion Hepatitis C 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Year %ofRecipientsInfected All volunteer donors HBsAg Donor Screening for HIV Risk Factors Anti-HIV ALT/Anti-HBc Anti-HCV Improved HCV Tests Adapted from HJ Alter and Tobler and Busch, Clin Chem 1997 Occupational Transmission of HCV  Inefficient by occupational exposures  Average incidence 1.8% following needle stick from HCV-positive source – Associated with hollow-bore needles  Case reports of transmission from blood splash to eye; one from exposure to non-intact skin  Prevalence 1-2% among health care workers – Lower than adults in the general population – 10 times lower than for HBV infection HCV Related to Health Care Procedures United States  Recognized primarily in context of outbreaks – Chronic hemodialysis – Hospital inpatient setting – Private practice setting – Home therapy  Unsafe injection practices – Reuse of syringes and needles – Contaminated multiple dose medication vials HCW to Patient Transmission of HCV  Rare – In U.S., none related to performing invasive procedures  Most appear related to HCW substance abuse – Reuse of needles or sharing narcotics used for self- injection  No restrictions routinely recommended for HCV-infected HCWs Perinatal Transmission of HCV  Transmission only from women HCV-RNA positive at delivery – Average rate of infection 6% – Higher (17%) if woman co-infected with HIV – Role of viral titer unclear  No association with – Delivery method – Breastfeeding  Infected infants do well – Severe hepatitis is rare Sexual Transmission of HCV  Case-control, cross sectional studies – Infected partner, multiple partners, early sex, nonuse of condoms, other STDs, sex with trauma, BUT – MSM no higher risk than heterosexuals  Partner studies – Low prevalence (1.5%) among long-term partners • infections might be due to common percutaneous exposures (e.g., drug use), BUT – Male to female transmission more efficient • more indicative of sexual transmission Sexual Transmission of HCV  Occurs, but efficiency is low – Rare between long-term steady partners – Factors that facilitate transmission between partners unknown (e.g., viral titer)  Accounts for 15-20% of acute and chronic infections in the United States – Sex is a common behavior – Large chronic reservoir provides multiple opportunities for exposure to potentially infectious partners Household Transmission of HCV  Rare but not absent  Could occur through percutaneous/mucosal exposures to blood – Contaminated equipment used for home therapies • IV therapy, injections – Theoretically through sharing of contaminated personal articles (razors, toothbrushes) Other Potential Exposures to Blood  No or insufficient data showing increased risk – intranasal cocaine use, tattooing, body piercing, acupuncture, military service  No associations in acute case-control or populationbased studies  Cross-sectional studies in highly selected groups with inconsistent results – Temporal relationship between exposure and infection usually unknown – Biologically plausible, but association or causal relationship not established Sources of Infection for Persons With Hepatitis C Sexual 15% Other 1%* Unknown 10% Injecting drug use 60% Transfusion 10% (before screening) * Nosocomial; iatrogenic; perinatal Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Occupational 4% Reduce or Eliminate Risks for Acquiring HCV Infection  Screen and test donors  Virus inactivation of plasma-derived products  Risk-reduction counseling and services – Obtain history of high-risk drug and sex behaviors – Provide information on minimizing risky behavior, including referral to other services – Vaccinate against hepatitis A and/or hepatitis B  Safe injection and infection control practices HCV Prevention and Control MMWR 1998;47 (No. RR-19) Reduce Risks for Disease Progression and Further Transmission  Identify persons at risk for HCV and test to determine infection status – Routinely identify at risk persons through history, record review  Provide HCV-positive persons – Medical evaluation and management – Counseling • Prevent further liver damage • Prevent transmission to others HCV Prevention and Control MMWR 1998;47 (No. RR-19) HCV Testing Routinely Recommended  Ever injected illegal drugs  Received clotting factors made before 1987  Received blood/organs before July 1992  Ever on chronic hemodialysis  Evidence of liver disease  Healthcare, emergency, public safety workers after needle stick/mucosal exposures to HCV-positive blood  Children born to HCV-positive women Based on increased risk for infection Based on need for exposure management Postexposure Management for HCV  IG, antivirals not recommended for prophylaxis  Follow-up after needlesticks, sharps, or mucosal exposures to HCV-positive blood – Test source for anti-HCV – Test worker if source anti-HCV positive • Anti-HCV and ALT at baseline and 4-6 months later • For earlier diagnosis, HCV RNA at 4-6 weeks – Confirm all anti-HCV results with RIBA  Refer infected worker to specialist for medical evaluation and management Routine HCV Testing Not Recommended (Unless Risk Factor Identified)  Health-care, emergency medical, and public safety workers  Pregnant women  Household (non-sexual) contacts of HCVpositive persons  General population Routine HCV Testing of Uncertain Need  Recipients of transplanted tissue  Intranasal cocaine or other non-injecting illegal drug users  History of tattooing, body piercing  History of STDs or multiple sex partners  Long-term steady sex partners of HCVpositive persons Not confirmed as risk factor/prevalence low or unknown Confirmed risk factor but prevalence of infection low HCV Infection Testing Algorithm for Diagnosis of Asymptomatic Persons Screening Test for Anti-HCV Negative STOP Positive OR RIBA for Anti-HCV NAT for HCV RNA Negative STOP Additional Laboratory Evaluation (e.g. PCR, ALT) Negative PositiveIndeterminate Medical Evaluation Positive Negative PCR, Normal ALT Positive PCR, Abnormal ALT Source: MMWR 1998;47 (No. RR 19) Medical Evaluation and Management for Chronic HCV Infection  Assess for biochemical evidence of CLD  Assess for severity of disease and possible treatment, according to current practice guidelines – 40-50% sustained response to antiviral combination therapy (peg interferon, ribavirin) – Vaccinate against hepatitis A  Counsel to reduce further harm to liver – Limit or abstain from alcohol HCV Counseling  Prevent transmission to others – Direct exposure to blood – Perinatal exposure – Sexual exposure  Refer to support group Preventing HCV Transmission to Others  Do not donate blood, body organs, other tissue or semen  Do not share items that might have blood on them – personal care (e.g., razor, toothbrush) – home therapy (e.g., needles)  Cover cuts and sores on the skin Avoid Direct Exposure to Blood HCV Counseling Persons Using Illegal Drugs  Provide risk reduction counseling, education – Stop using and injecting – Refer to substance abuse treatment program – If continuing to inject • Never reuse or share syringes, needles, or drug preparation equipment • Vaccinate against hepatitis B and hepatitis A • Refer to community-based risk reduction programs HCV Counseling Mother-to-Infant Transmission of HCV  Postexposure prophylaxis not available  No need to avoid pregnancy or breastfeeding – Consider bottle feeding if nipples cracked/bleeding  No need to determine mode of delivery based on HCV infection status  Test infants born to HCV-positive women – >15-18 months old – Consider testing any children born since woman became infected – Evaluate infected children for CLD HCV Counseling Persons with One Long-Term Steady Sex Partner HCV Counseling Sexual Transmission of HCV  Do not need to change their sexual practices  Should discuss with their partner – Risk (low but not absent) of sexual transmission – Counseling and testing of partner should be individualized • May provide couple with reassurance • Some couples might decide to use barrier precautions to lower limited risk further Persons with High-Risk Sexual Behaviors HCV Counseling Sexual Transmission of HCV  At risk for sexually transmitted diseases, e.g., HIV, HBV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.  Reduce risk – Limit number of partners – Use latex condoms – Get vaccinated against hepatitis B – MSMs also get vaccinated against hepatitis A Other Transmission Issues  HCV not spread by kissing, hugging, sneezing, coughing, food or water, sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses, or casual contact  Do not exclude from work, school, play, childcare or other settings based on HCV infection status HCV Counseling