Drowning Hanging Injuries in the nature Lukáš Dadák Drowning = Near-drowning means a person almost died from not being able to breathe (suffocating) under water * disaster in the lung = H2O Why: * jump to flat water * fall to wildwater * haed trauma / C spine * Inability to swim or panic while swimming * alcohol CHILDREN AREN'T WATERPROOF small children unattended around bathtubs and pools How it works: * After initial breath holding, when the victim's airway lies below the liquid's surface, an involuntary period of laryngospasm is triggered by the presence of liquid in the oropharynx or larynx. At this time, the victim is unable to breathe in air, causing oxygen depletion and carbon dioxide retention. As the oxygen tension in blood drops further, laryngospasm releases, and the victim gasps, hyperventilates, possibly aspirating variable amounts of liquid. This leads to further hypoxemia. First Aid * Safely - Out of water People who have fallen through ice may not be able to grasp objects within their reach or hold on while being pulled to safety. First aid: 1) Do not place yourself in danger. Do NOT get into the water or go out onto ice unless your are absolutely sure it is safe. 2) (start the breathing while still in the water) 3) Move victim to dry land - give CPR if needed. 4) Assume neck or spine injury 5) Keep the person calm and still. Seek medical help immediately. 6) Remove any cold, wet clothes from the person and cover with something warm, if possible. = prevent hypothermia. DO NOT * DO NOT go into rough or turbulent water that may endanger you. * The Heimlich maneuver is NOT part of the routine CPR * Do not go home All near-drowning victims should be checked by a doctor. Even though victims may revive quickly at the scene, lung complications are common. Hanging Injuries and Strangulation Neck is vulnerable to life-threatening injuries: -airway -spinal cord (fall from a distance greater than the height of the victim) fatal -major vessels (cerebral hypoxia) -Complete (body hangs off the ground and the entire weight of the victim is suspended at the neck) -incomplete Hanging is a form of strangulation that involves suspension by the neck. Hangings can be classified as either complete or incomplete. When the whole body hangs off the ground and the entire weight of the victim is suspended at the neck, the hanging is said to be complete. Incomplete hangings imply that some part of the body is touching the ground and that the weight of the victim is not fully supported by the neck. Hangings may also be classified by intent (eg, homicidal, suicidal, autoerotic, accidental). First aid lcall for help lRelease strangulation lane llay back on the ground lBLS if no signs of death lcall for EMS lEMS transport lTransport with immobilization of the cervical spine Injuries in the nature lCrashes, backfilling with soil lHypothermia llightning accident lbite linsect bites Bites lcompletely washed out the wound with soap (prevention of rabies) ldisinfection lstop bleeding, arrange medical treatment, if possible, we get from the owner of the dog vaccination certificate, which pass EMS lPolice will ensure the dog Rabies lViral deadly disease, ltransmited by saliva of an mammal - fox, cat, badger, roe, bats and raccoons bites Prevention: linstruct (children) lannounce a forester / municipal office lafter direct of contact between seek medical treatment (preventive vaccine given in 5 doses over 28 days). lanimal should be examined by vet Tick bites ·minor injury. may transmit bacteria / viruses (Lyme disease or encephalitis) Prevention: lControl your skin after return from nature I.A.: lRemove the tick promptly and carefully. Use tweezers to grasp the tick near its head or mouth and pull gently to remove the whole tick without crushing it. lWash your hands with soap and water. Disinfect area around the tick bite (Iod). lapplying petroleum jelly, fingernail polish, rubbing alcohol or a hot match — aren't recommended. Tick bites ·Viral: ·flu-like signs and symptoms: ·Fever, chills, fatigue, ·body aches ·headache . · ·Lyme: ·Redness after 3 days Insect bites lredness lswelling lpain lItching lI.A: lMove to a safe area to avoid more bites or stings. lIf needed, remove the stinger. lWash the area with soap and water (Iod disinfection). lApply a cool compress. Insect in Czech Mosquito Bee Wasp and Hornet - late summer and autumn contamination of sting with bacteria - Skin infections (phlegmone, fever, pain) .. seek medical help (antibiotics p.os.) Storm Risk: llightning accident lhypothermia Procedure: leave the ridge, beyond the plains, peaks, lonely trees, water surfaces Ideal Refuge: Building a lightning rod, unprotected building (close the doors, windows, appliances, stoves) Valley pit, woods (2 m from the branches, between the lower trees) Zmije obecná, Vipera berus Basic dyeing and coloring of the strip may be different. Vipers are brown, grayish, blackish. Males can be bright coloration; white background with black or anthracite black distinctive stripe. Who is who Vipera Grass snake Signs vision disorders Nausea / vomiting 1 or 2 stab wounds accompanied by severe pain and swelling Difficulty breathing or arrest symptoms of shock First Aid Remain calm and move beyond the snake's striking distance. Remove jewelry and tight clothing before you start to swell. Position yourself, if possible, so that the bite is at or below the level of your heart. Clean the wound, but don't flush it with water. Cover it with a clean, dry dressing. Caution Don't use a tourniquet or apply ice. Don't cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom. Don't drink caffeine or alcohol, which could speed the rate at which your body absorbs venom. Don't try to capture the snake. Try to remember its color and shape so that you can describe it, which will help in your treatment.