CZECH I: TEST 2 — STRUCTURE 1 Listen and write the numbers you hear. Write them in digits. [5 points] · numerals 11—999 2 Write dobrý, dobrá or dobré. [6 points] Example: __________ profesor → dobrý profesor 3 Write the correct verb form. [8 points] Example: Vy mluvíte česky? (MLUVIT) · verbs in present tense incl. irregular verbs 4 Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences. There is ONE extra word that you do NOT need. [7 points] Example: Nemám rád pivo. [DEL: rád :DEL] — word — word — word — word — word — word — word — extra word 5 Put the words in brackets in the correct form. [10 points] Example: Dám si grilovaného lososa. (GRILOVANÝ LOSOS) · accusative forms (all genders) 6 Write rád, ráda or rádi. [3 points] Example: Jmenuju se Martin. Mám ____ fotbal. → Mám rád fotbal. 7 Match halves of sentences. [5 points] · expression with verb mít (book, p. 31) 8 Choose the word which is different from the rest. If all are ok, choose [none] [6 points] Example: jméno: Martin — Linda — Martina — Špilberk — [none]