CZECH FOR FOREIGNERS I – PROGRESS TEST 3 – structure 1 | Write the numbers you hear [5 points] Example: dvě stě osmdesát tři – 283 * numerals 100—100000 2 | Write the correct form of the possessive pronouns. [7 points] Example: To jsem já a můj student. · possesive pronouns, book p. 34 3 | Write the appropriate question word. [6 points] Example: _____ je to? – Autobus. → Co je to? – Autobus. · all question words we have studied so far, incl. accusative ones 4 | Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. [10 points] Example: Ty bydlíš v centru? (BYDLET) · all verb types we have studied so far, incl. irregular ones 5 | Put the words in brackets in the correct form. [10 points] Example: Dám si grilovaného lososa. (GRILOVANÝ LOSOS) · accusative singular, all genders, adjectives + nouns · personal pronouns: expressing age 6 Write the male or female gender opposites. [6 points] Example: tatínek – maminka 7 Write the opposite adjective. [6 points] Example: Ten čaj není dobrý, je špatný.