ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY = methods enabling to register electrical changes caused by heart activity from body surface. 1893 Einthoven introduces the term 'electrocardiogram' 1895 Einthoven distinguishes five deflections - P, Q, R, S and T 1902 Einthoven publishes the first electrocardiogram 1905 Einthoven starts transmitting electrocardiograms from the hospital to his laboratory 1.5 km away via telephone cable Willem Einthoven 1924 the Nobel prize 1860- 1927 ECG gives information about: Frequency (changes of HR in S A node or arrhythmias, sick sinus syndrome) 2. Conduction (blocks - SA, AV) 3. Rhythm (ES - supraventricular, ventricular) 4. Ventricular gradient (relationship between depolarization and repolarization: origin - metabolic, hemodynamic, anatomic, physical...ischemia, hypertrophy, dilatation, cardiomyopathy, inflammations, changes in electrolytes, drugs...) SA uzol Myokard predsieni AV uzol Hisov zväzok Tawarové ramienka Purkyňové *~-L vlákna y j Myokard komôr EKG [m s] 0 PQ interv. QRS QT 0,16 0,1 0,3 - i_ ! HR - dependent Atrial depol. Ventricular complex (depol.) (repol.) F Goldberger, 1947, aVR, aVL, aVF HEXAAXIAL SYSTEM aVF I aVR WILSON GOLDBERG augmented aVF Frontal projection of vector! Bipolar (I, II, III) Unipolar (augmented) aVR, aVL, aVF CHEST LEADS PROJECTION PLANES OF CARDIAC VECTOR AND ECG LEADS E - Einthoven triangle ELECTRICAL AXIS OF THE HEART Summary of all momentary vectors, which form ventricular depolarisation loop. Expresses the direction of ventricular activation. Reflects asymmetry in ventricular wall thickness and the position of the heart in the chest. ELECTRICAL AXIS - in the frontal plane (R-Q-S) in lead I., II., III. triangle LEFT DEVIATION, RIGHT DEVIATION i -rvA_ I + \ \ 7 111 i ~rc~y— v+ 1 \ 1*-*'-. / iii-rj\— \ v / m ARRHYTHMIA(S) disturbance of impulse generation or disturbance of impulse conduction RESPIRATORY (SINUS) ARRHYTHMIA 1847, Ludwig, ECG and breathing of dog - respiratory sinus arrhythmia Detectable already during prenatal life. Present in numerous species in animal kingdom - in all vertebrates. Physiological meaning ???? STABILISATION OF MEAN BP (protection against mechanical effect of intrathoracic pressure on arterial BP) Key effect of parasympathetic NS (decrease of its tonus), sympathetic NS only modulates!!! MECHANISMS: 1) CENTRAL 2) REFLEXES FROM LUNGS 3) REFLEXES FROM BARORECEPTORS 4) REFLEXES FROM RECEPTORS IN THE RIGHT ATRIUM 5) LOCAL EFFECTS ON SA NODE 6) EFFECT OF OSCILLATIONS OF pH, pa02, paC02 ARRHYTHMIAS = disturbance of impulse generation or conduction RHYTHM and FREQUENCY: Regular 1) Normal HR range: 70 - 220 bpm; effect of age) 2) Sinus tachycardia (60 - 100 bpm; exercise; aging) 3) Sinus bradycardia (below 60 bpm; athletes' heart) 4) Nodal rhythm - below 40 bpm, ventricular rhythm - below 20 bpm) Irregular 1. sinus respiratory arrhythmia (physiological) 2. Sick sinus syndrome 3. Extrasystoles (ES) single or coupled (bigeminy, trigeminy), according to site or origin - sinus, atrial, junction, ventricular BLOCKS SICK SINUS SYNDROM AV BLOCKS r PQ>0.2sec LBBB II O RBBB Wenckebach periods (phenomenon) in o A-V dissociation BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK (BBB) - LEFT, RIGHT REENTRY Common mechanism of (paroxysmal) tachycardias, extrasystoles, bigeminy, etc. • Double pathway Diverging and converging of excitation pathways • Unidirectional block 1. Long refractory period 2. Slowed conduction 3. Reentry 1. 2. Loops most often at the level of AV junction Determinants of re-entry: Proper dimension of the loop Proper timing of the trigger ES TACHYARYTHMIA • SINUS TACHYCARDIA • PAROXYSMAL TACHYCARDIA (supraventricular, ventricular) • FLUTTER (>250/min; atrial) • FIBRILLATION (>600/bpm; atrial, ventricular; breakdown of electrical homogeneity) ATRIAL FLUTTER Frequency 250 - 600/bpm Atrioventricular block n:l ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Irregular ventricular rhythm + f-waves VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION oVR VI V2 V5 m V3 V6 fiWTHM STRtPi fl 25 ami/mo; I cm/mY COOOOtWJOOO -3 Frequency above 600/bpm, LETHAL HEART ISCHEMIA A: exercise angina pectoris B: acute non-Q myocardial infarction C: acute Q myocardial infarction