1 Kolářová M., EPI Autumn 2018 2 Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings CDC. MMWR 2003;52(No. RR-17) http://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/ infectioncontrol/guidelines/index.htm Background 3  Personnel Health Elements  Bloodborne Pathogens  Hand Hygiene  Personal Protective Equipment  Latex Hypersensitivity/Contact Dermatitis  Sterilization and Disinfection  Environmental Infection Control  Dental Unit Waterlines  Special Considerations  Program Evaluation 4  Both patients and dental health care personnel (DHCP) can be exposed to pathogens  Contact with blood, oral and respiratory secretions, and contaminated equipment occurs  Proper procedures can prevent transmission of infections among patients and DHCP Why Is Infection Control Important in Dentistry? 5 Modes of Transmission  Direct contact with blood or body fluids  Indirect contact with a contaminated instrument or surface  Contact of mucosa of the eyes, nose, or mouth with droplets or spatter  Inhalation of airborne microorganisms 6 Chain of Infection Pathogen Source TransmissionEntry Susceptible Host 7 Chain of Infection Causative agent - bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, priony Source of infection The ende incubation period,, illness carriers Mode of transmission -direct -indirect Susceptible host Infection 8 Chain of Infection in Hospital Conditions Source of Infection The Transmission Susceptibility pacient pacient pacient Health worker Health worker pacient 9 EPIDEMIC PROCESS IN THE HOSPITAL ENVIRONMENT SOURCES OF INFECTION MODE OF TRANSMISSION trough biological material of patients or contaminated surfaces or equipments SUSCEPTIBLE HOST 10 Biological materials – their infectivity 1. Causative agens in blood, derivates from blood, plasma VHB, VHC, VHA (short in the blood), HIV, CMV, rarely EBV, virus of morbilli (viremie), kandidy-kandidémie, Treponema pallidum (2. stage) malárie - (plasmodia can survive in fresh plasma 3 – 5oC - 14 days), Toxoplasma gondii - (can survive in blood - 56 days) 11 Concentration of HBV in Body Fluids High Moderate Low/NotDetectable Blood Semen Urine Serum Vaginal Fluid Feces Wound exudates Saliva Sweat Tears Breast Milk 12 Source: Cleveland et al., JADA 1996;127:1385-90. Personal communication ADA, Chakwan Siew, PhD, 2005. PercentHBV Infection Among U.S. Dentists Year 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 13 Transmission of HBV from Infected DHCP to Patients  Nine clusters of transmission from dentists and oral surgeons to patients, 1970–1987  Eight dentists tested for HBeAg were positive  Lack of documented transmissions since 1987 may reflect increased use of gloves and vaccine  One case of patient-to-patient transmission, 2003 14 Occupational Risk of HCV Transmission among HCP  Inefficiently transmitted by occupational exposures  Three reports of transmission from blood splash to the eye  Report of simultaneous transmission of HIV and HCV after non-intact skin exposure HCV Infection in Dental Health Care Settings 15  Prevalence of HCV infection among dentists similar to that of general population (~ 1%-2%)  No reports of HCV transmission from infected DHCP to patients or from patient to patient  Risk of HCV transmission appears very low 16 Transmission of HIV from Infected Dentists to Patients  Only one documented case of HIV transmission from an infected dentist to patients  No transmissions documented in the investigation of 63 HIV-infected HCP (including 33 dentists or dental students) 17 Characteristics of Percutaneous Injuries Among DHCP  Reported frequency among general dentists has declined  Caused by burs, syringe needles, other sharps  Occur outside the patient’s mouth  Involve small amounts of blood  Among oral surgeons, occur more frequently during fracture reductions and procedures involving wire Hand Hygiene 18  Hands are the most common mode of pathogen transmission  Reduce spread of antimicrobial resistance  Prevent health care-associated infections 19 Hands Need to be Cleaned When  Visibly dirty  After touching contaminated objects with bare hands  Before and after patient treatment (before glove placement and after glove removal) 20 Hand Hygiene Definitions  Handwashing Washing hands with plain soap and water  Antiseptic handwash Washing hands with water and soap or other detergents containing an antiseptic agent  Alcohol-based handrub Rubbing hands with an alcohol-containing preparation  Surgical antisepsis Handwashing with an antiseptic soap or an alcoholbased handrub before operations by surgical personnel 21 Efficacy of Hand Hygiene Preparations in Reduction of Bacteria Good Better Best Plain Soap Antimicrobial soap Alcohol-based handrub Source: http://www.cdc.gov/handhygiene/materials.htm 22 Alcohol-based Preparations Benefits Limitations  Rapid and effective antimicrobial action  Improved skin condition  More accessible than sinks  Cannot be used if hands are visibly soiled  Store away from high temperatures or flames  Hand softeners and glove powders may “build-up” 23 Special Hand Hygiene Considerations  Use hand lotions to prevent skin dryness  Consider compatibility of hand care products with gloves (e.g., mineral oils and petroleum bases may cause early glove failure)  Keep fingernails short  Avoid artificial nails  Avoid hand jewelry that may tear gloves 24 Personal Protective Equipment Masks, Protective Eyewear, Face Shields  Wear a surgical mask and either eye protection with solid side shields or a face shield to protect mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth  Change masks between patients  Clean reusable face protection between patients; if visibly soiled, clean and disinfect Sterilization and Disinfection of Patient Care Items 25 Critical Instruments  Penetrate mucous membranes or contact bone, the bloodstream, or other normally sterile tissues (of the mouth)  Heat sterilize between uses or use sterile singleuse, disposable devices  Examples include surgical instruments, scalpel blades, periodontal scalers, and surgical dental burs 26 Semi-critical Instruments  Contact mucous membranes but do not penetrate soft tissue  Heat sterilize or high-level disinfect  Examples: Dental mouth mirrors, amalgam condensers, and dental handpieces 27 Noncritical Instruments and Devices  Contact intact skin  Clean and disinfect using a low to intermediate level disinfectant  Examples: X-ray heads, facebows, pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff 28 Instrument Processing Area  Use a designated processing area to control quality and ensure safety  Divide processing area into work areas  Receiving, cleaning, and decontamination  Preparation and packaging  Sterilization  Storage 29 Biological materials – their infectivity 2. Causative agens in droplets Adenovirus, coronaviruses, enteroviruses, herpes virus, myxovirus (influenzae), paramyxovirus, RSV, rhinovirus, Stafylococcus, Streptococcus spp., Meningococcus spp., Haemophilus Influenzae, Neisseria meningitis, Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Pneumocystis carinii, Kandidy…. 30 Biological materials – their infectivity 3. Causative agents in stool Enteroviry (VHA, poliomyelitis), VHE, coxsackie viry, Adenoviry, Enterobactericeae (E.coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp., Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Serratia apod) Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Pneumocystis carinii 31 Biological materials – their infectivity Causative agens in: 4. URINE Virus of measles, parotitis, CMV, VHB, papovavirus, Listeria monocytogenes, Candidae 5. LIQUOR HIV, different causative agents of meningitid 6. Salive VHB, HIV, CMV, EBV, herpes virus hominis typ 1,2, virus of measles, rubellla 32 Biological materials – their infectivity 7. TEARS, EYE - SECRET VHB, HIV, adenoviruses, Enterovirus typ 70, Coxsackie A 24, Staphylococcus aureus, hemophfilus, pneumokoky, moraxely, chlamydie 8. VAGINA AND CERVIX - SECRET HIV, VHB, rare VHC, herpes virus hominis typ 1,2, Streptococcus agalactiae, Neisseria gonorrhoea, Haemophilus Ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia lymfogranulomatosis, Chlamydia trachomatis 9. EJACULAT VHB, HIV, rare VHC, CMV, 33 Chain of Infection in Hospital Conditions SOURCE OF INFECTION MODE OF TRANSMISSION SUSCEPTIBLE ORGANISM HANDWASHING, DISINFECTION OF HANDS LINEN WASING, CLEANING …….., ……… DISINFECTION STERILIZATION 34 PACIENT LINEN WASHING, ……….., DISINFECTION, STERILIZATION Wastes A) Tools for one use B) Reuseable tools Standard Precautions 35 Apply to all patients Integrate and expand Universal Precautions to include organisms spread by blood and also Body fluids, secretions, and excretions except sweat, whether or not they contain blood Non-intact (broken) skin Mucous membranes 36 Elements of Standard Precautions  Handwashing  Use of gloves, masks, eye protection, and gowns  Patient care equipment  Environmental surfaces  Injury prevention 37 Personnel Health Elements of an Infection Control Program  Education and training  Immunizations  Exposure prevention and postexposure management  Medical condition management and workrelated illnesses and restrictions  Health record maintenance