Autumn Term 2018 Handout 11 GRAMMAR NOUNS OF THE 4TH DECLENSION a) –US, US, M. (f.) b) –U, US, N. only two words: genu, cornu TYPICALLY ending in –sus, -tus, -xus (e.g. processus, ductus, plexus BUT NOT digitus, nasus) + some others like arcus, manus, sinus *Abl. Pl. of arcus and artus ends in –ubus! NOUNS OF THE 5TH DECLENSION -ES, EI, F. *species, erum f. only plural form! anatomical nomenclature: only facies clinical terminology: pathologies like rabies, scabies, caries BUT NOT paries, etis, m.! EXERCISES 1. Give the basic forms (i.e. Nom. sg.) of the following nouns. Decide the declension of each: carie ~ infarctu ~unguenti ~ dentes ~ pulmonum~pleuritidem ~ gargarismate ~ specierum ~ temporibus ~ labio ~ morsum ~arcuum ~ ligamenta ~ scabiem ~ thoracis ~ laminarum ~ scatulis ~ tractu ~ neuroseos ~dyspnoes ~ encephalo ~ cornua 2. Put the terms into the required form: plexus venosus acc. sg. musculus rotator nom. pl. facies Hippocratica abl. sg. methodus nova abl. pl. meatus acusticus acc. pl. caries profunda gen. sg. 3. Change the forms of words given in brackets to make a phrase: a) patiens cum + (genua valga) > ______________________________________ b) arcus + (vertebrae thoracicae) > ______________________________________ c) causa + (obstructio venae) > ______________________________________ Autumn Term 2018 Handout 11 ductus ~ sinus ~ facies ~ status ~ processus ~ meatus ~ manus ~ usus ~ apparatus ~ species d) effectus + (gargarisma novum) > ______________________________________ e) sanatio + (decubitus profundus) > ______________________________________ f) collapsus + (systema circulatorium) > ______________________________________ g) status post (canities praematura) > ______________________________________ 4. Fill in the given nouns to complete the phrases: a) medicamentum ad externum b) amputatio phalangis mediae digiti III dextrae traumatica c) musculus sphincter choledochi d) apertura acustici externi e) os, labia, palatum, oesophagus, ventriculus, intestina: organa digestorii f) urologicae propter inflammationem vesicae urinariae g) fractura spinosi vertebrae T7 h) post resectionem pulmonis lateris dextri propter metastases i) aegrotus cum pallida j) transversus pericardii 5. Match the given adjectives with the nouns to make medical terms: 1) plexus a) praematurus, a, um 2) partus b) aromaticus, a, um 3) decubitus c) epilepticus, a, um 4) genu d) valgus, a, um 5) species e) transversus, a, um 6) facies f) profundus, u, am 7) status g) Hippocraticus, a, um 8) sinus h) venosus, a, um Autumn Term 2018 Handout 11 6. Put the words in the correct order to make anatomical/clinical terms. Translate the terms into English: acustici – externi – meatus – haemorrhagia Term: Translation: caesareus – cum – partus – anaesthesia Term: Translation: praematura – iuvenis – hominis – canities Term: Translation: acuto – in – adultus – periculo Term: Translation: cavitatis – punctum – vulnus – thoracis Term: Translation: malignus – cervicis – uteri – tumor Term: Translation: Autumn Term 2018 Handout 11 7. Translate: vomiting after the brain concussion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carcinoma of the left lobe of liver in its place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ abscess under the mucous layer of gall bladder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disease with a long period of healing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ acute ascites in the abdominal cavity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ injection for an adult against the inflammation of brain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state after the resection of a part of large intestine due to malignant tumor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cancer of the cervix of uterus with a good prognosis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tendons of the fingers of the right hand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ deep bedsores in the region of the sacral bone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ prolapse of kidney _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ progressive paralysis of muscles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a benign tumor in common bile duct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Autumn Term 2018 Handout 11 VOCABULARY abortus, us, m. abortion neurosis, is/eos, f. a mild mental disorder abscessus, us, m. an inclosed collection of pus, abscess obstructio, onis, f. obstruction aditus, us, m. approach or entry into olfactus, us, m. sense of smell asthenicus, a, um referring to asthenia (i.e. feebleness, weakness) partus, us, m. childbirth, delivery asthma, matis, n. chronic inflammation of airways plexus, us, m. network (usually of veins or nerves); plexus auditus, us, m. sense of hearing praematurus, a, um occurring before due time, premature calvities, ei, f. baldness, alopecia prolapsus, us, m. slipping of an organ downwards, prolapse canities, ei, f. graying of hair puerperium, ii, n. the period between the delivery and the involution of uterus (3- 6 weeks) caries, ei, f. dental decay pulsus, us, m. pulse choledochus, i, m. common bile duct rabies, ei, f. an acute viral disease from infected animal bite; rabies collapsus, us, m. collapse, a condition of extreme exhaustion rarus, a, um rare cornu, us, n. horn scabies, ei, f. a skin disease caused by mite decubitus, us, m. bedsore, pressure ulcer sensus, us, m. sense defectus, us, m. shortcoming, deficiency serpens, ntis, m. snake dolorosus, a, um painful sinus, us, m. a cavity made by bones; sinus ductus, us, m. duct, a passage with welldefined walls, esp. for secretion or excretion situs, us, m. place effectus, us, m. effect species, erum, f. dried tea mixture exitus, us, m. death spontaneus, a, um natural; arising without any apparent cause fetus, us, m. fetus, unborn child status, us, m. state, condition gargarisma, matis, n. gargle subitus, a, um sudden gustus, us, m. sense of taste tactus, us, m. sense of touch habitus, us, m. the constitutional and physical characteristics of an individual tractus, us, m. a system with specialized function; tract infarctus, us, m. a localized area of dead tissue due to obstructed bloody supply, infarction usus, us, m. use meatus, us, m. a natural opening or channel; meatus visus, us, m. sense of vision morsus, us, m. bite vomitus, us, m. vomiting COLLOCATIONS facies Hippocratica / abdominalis a typical facial expression of a dying person genu valgum a childhood deformity of knees also called “knock-knee” (X-shaped knees) genu varum a childhood deformity of knees, an outward bowing of legs (O-shaped knees) in situ confined to the area of origin, not expanding (often with tumors) partus praematurus delivery before the proper time (20-37 weeks of pregnancy) partus serotinus delivery after the proper time (after the end of the 42nd week) sectio caesarea the surgical incision performed to deliver a fetus, C (cesarean) section