Principles of statistical testing (1) simple lie (2) treacherous lie (3) Statistics Benjamin Disraeli What is statistics?  the way data are collected, organised, presented, analysed and interpreted  statistics helps to decide – descriptive  basic characteristics of the data – inductive  characterisation of the sample or population studied, which make possible to interfere characteristics of the whole population (entire “sample”) Why do we need statistics?  variability! repeated measurements of temperature 18.2°C 18.5°C 19.1°C 18.7°C variability of height in population 180 cm 175 cm 165 cm 157 cm diversity in biological populations inter-population or ethnical differences = BIODIVERZITY temporal changes/ fluctuations time statistics is about variability !!! Type of data  data, measures – qualitative = descriptive  nominal, binary e.g. blood groups A, B, 0, AB or Rh+, Rh ordinal, categorical e.g. grades NYHA I, II, III, IV or TNM system (cancer) – quantitative = measurable on scale  directly measured values  interval (how much more?)  ratios (how many times?) Raw data – not too clear DNA DN_kod UREA KREATININ glom_filt sRAGE HER0087 3 7.6 97 1.172 9660.3 HER0037 3 7.6 139 0.574 5843 HER0009 3 6 118 1.502 5753.5 HER0012 3 17.3 274 0.442 5400 HER0118 3 22.6 156 0.463 5386.7 HER0094 3 10.8 234 0.812 5312.4 HER0144 3 5200 KRUS002 3 25.9 309 0.393 4947.8 HER0006 3 7.5 118 1.028 4944.5 HER0007 3 4.7 84 0.764 4917.8 HER0122 3 28.4 295 0.308 4627.1 HER0128 3 7.2 123 1.048 4503.5 KRUS50 3 37.8 525 0.284 4446 HER0035 3 7.1 111 0.739 4404 HER0001 3 14.2 188 0.557 4395.1 HER0057 3 21.8 281 0.703 4389.2 HER0015 3 7.2 75 2.703 4263.3 HER0111 3 13.7 131 0.954 4188.9 KRUS042 3 4.4 104 0.983 4127 HER0047 3 26 333 0.244 4101.9 HER0062 3 22.8 169 0.42 3852.7 HER0002 3 6.9 135 0.999 3815.3 HER0115 3 18.3 152 0.396 3741.2 KRUS045 3 4.4 85 1.7 3693.3 KRUS001 3 20.5 178 0.861 3621.5 M__0136 2 3606.9 HER0086 3 24.7 300 0.237 3577.7 HER0132 3 13 154 0.608 3409.8 HER0010 3 6.4 64 1.4 3398 HER0032 3 7.3 73 1.839 3325.5 HER0005 3 3.9 89 2.074 3318.7 KRUS016 2 6 105 2.38 3243.2 HER0071 3 7.3 120 0.769 3234.5 KRUS009 3 10.8 188 0.89 3212.6 M__0164 1 7.3 59 3203.9 OLS0008 2 3203.9 HER0061 3 18.2 241 0.277 3080.6 HER0065 3 7.2 116 0.953 3072.3 HER0058 3 16.8 158 0.668 3066 HER0014 3 14.6 187 0.0765 3047.4 Graphical data description Examples of real data Data description  position measures (central tendency measures) – mean () – median (= 50% quintile)  frequency middle – quartiles  upper 25%, median, lower 75% – mode  the most frequent value  variability measures – variance (2) – standard deviation (SD, ) – standard error of mean (SEM) – coefficient of variance (CV= /) – min-max (= range) – skewness – kurtosis  distribution Data description  frequency (polygon, histogram) original ordered histogram data data 115 <100: 0 135 100-110: 1 120 111-120: 0 140 121-130: 2 125 131-140: 4 130 141-150: 8 150 151-160: 4 145 161-170: 11 . >171: 0 . . 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 100-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180 Distribution  continuous – normal – asymmetrical – exponential – log-normal  discrete – binomial – Poisson Mean vs. median vs. mode(s)  numbers:13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13  x = (13 + 18 + 13 + 14 + 13 + 16 + 14 + 21 + 13) ÷ 9 = 15  median = (9 + 1) ÷ 2 = 10 ÷ 2 = 5. číslo = 14  mode = 13  range = 21 – 13 = 8 Normal (Gaussian)  Student  symmetrical distribution  not every symmetrical distribution has to be normal !! – there are several conditions that have to be fulfilled  interval density of frequencies  distribution function  skewness = 0, kurtosis = 0 – data transformation  mathematical operation that makes original data normally distributed  Student distribution is an approximation of the normal distribution for smaller sets of data  test of normality – Kolmogorov-Smirnov – Shapiro-Wilks  null hypothesis: distribution tested is not different from the normal one 2 )( 2 1 2 1 )( z ezf    Normal distribution Relationship between variables  Correlation = relationship (dependence) between the two variables – correlation coefficient = degree of (linear) dependence of the two variables X and Y  Pearson (parametric)  Spearman (non-parametric)  Regression = functional relationship between variables (i.e. equation) – one- or multidimensional – linear vs. logistic – interpretation: assessment of the value (or probability) of one parameter (event) when knowing the value of the other one Examples Principles of statistical thinking  inferences about the whole population (sample) based on the results obtained from the limited study sample – whole population (sample)  e.g. entire living human population  we want to know facts applying to this whole population and use them (e.g. in medicine) – selection  no way we van study every single member of the whole population or sample  we have to select “representative” sub-set which will serve to obtain results valid for the whole population – random sample  every subject has an equal chance to be selected Statistical hypothesis  our personal research hypothesis – e.g. “We think that due to the effects of the newly described drug (…) on blood pressure lowering our proposed treatment regimen – tested in this study – will offer better hypertension therapy compared to the current one”.  statistical hypothesis = mathematical formulation of our research hypothesis – the question of interest is simplified into two competing claims / hypotheses between which we have a choice  null hypothesis (H0): e.g. there is no difference on average in the effect of an “old” and “new” drug 1 = 2 (equality of means) 1 = 2 (equality of variance)  alternative hypothesis (H1): there is a difference 1  2 (inequality of means) 1  2 (inequality of variance)  the outcome of a hypothesis testing is: – “reject H0 in favour of H1” – “do not reject H0” Hypothesis testing Statistical errors  to perform hypothesis testing there is a large number of statistical tests, each of which is suitable for the particular problem – selection of proper test (respecting its limitation of use) is crucial!!!  when deciding about which hypothesis to accept there are 2 types of errors one can make: – type 1 error  α = probability of incorrect rejection of valid H0  statistical significance P = true value of α – type 2 error  β = probability of not being able to reject false H0  1 – β = power of the test True state of the null hypothesis Statistical decision made H0 true H0 false Reject H0 type I error correct Don’t reject H0 correct type II error Statistical significance  In normal English, “significant” means important, while in statistics “significant” means probably true (= not due to the chance) – however, research findings may be true without being important  when statisticians say a result is “highly significant” they mean it is very probably true, they do not (necessarily) mean it is highly important  Significance levels show you how likely a result is due to chance Statistical tests for quantitative (continuous) data, 2 samples test unpaired paired PARAMETRIC (for normally or near normally distributed data) 1. two-sample t-test 1. one-sample t-test dependent NON-PARAMETRIC (for other than normal distribution) 1. Mann-Whitney Utest (synonym Wilcoxon two-sample) 1. Wilcoxon one- sample 2. sign test comparison of parametrs between 2 independent groups (e.g. cases  controls) comparison of parametrs in the same group in time sequence (e.g. before  after treatment) Statistical tests for quantitative (cont.) data, multiple samples test unpaired paired PARAMETRIC (normal distribution, equal variances) 1. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 1. modification of ANOVA NON-PARAMETRIC (other than normal distribution) 1. Kruskal-Wallis test 2. median test 1. modification of ANOVA (Friedman sequential ANOVA) H0: all of n compared samples have equal distribution of variable tested Statistical tests for binary and categorical data  binary variable – 1/0, yes/no, black/white, …  categorical variable – category (from – to) I, II, III  contingency tables n  n or n  m. resp. – Fisher exact testy – chi-square 30 Thank you for your attention