Adobe Systems Physiology department 1 Preclinical course (aVLTP05X) Introduction Adobe Systems Physiology department 2 Preclinical course: what is it? ̶75h. in the laboratory ̶5 credits ̶lectures ̶measurements ̶paper research ̶working with data ̶test ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶lectures ̶paper research ̶working with data ̶test measurements Adobe Systems Physiology department 3 Lectures ̶Anthropometric parameters ̶PWV (applanation tonometry) ̶PWA (applanation tonometry) ̶CAVI and ABI (VaSera) ̶Baroreflex sensitivity (photoplethysmography) ̶ECHO ̶How to work with data ̶ (19.10. – 23.10.) Adobe Systems Physiology department 4 What can I do now? ̶choose a topic ̶start with paper research Adobe Systems Physiology department 5 Topics ̶Renal denervation ̶Asthma bronchiale ̶Obesity ̶Anticancer therapy ̶Hormonal contraception Adobe Systems Physiology department 6 Renal denervation ̶elevated blood pressure despite taking three optimally doses medications, typically: ̶a diuretic ̶a calcium-channel blocker ̶an ACE inhibitor ̶renal sympathetic denervation: endovascular catheter based procedure using radiofrequency ablation C:\Users\Ksenia\Desktop\simplicity1.jpg Adobe Systems Physiology department 7 Asthma bronchiale ̶a long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs ̶symptoms: ̶reversible airflow obstruction ̶easily triggered bronchospasms ̶medication: ̶Long-term asthma control medications: inhaled leukotriene modifiers combination inhalers ̶Quick-relief (rescue) medications: short-acting beta agonists anticholinergic agents oral and intravenous corticosteroids. ̶ Adobe Systems Physiology department 8 Obesity ̶childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century ̶alimentary obesity ̶one-month stay in children hospital Adobe Systems Physiology department 9 What else? ̶ALL ̶Hormonal contraception Adobe Systems Physiology department 10 Topics Link