Čeština pro cizince III_ Fyzioterapie

Týden 4: Conversation: Traveling. Short and Long Verbs of Motion practising. Prefixes (při-, od-). Medical Czech: Symptoms of Diseases. (TM U4)

Class activities

1) Warm up: general questions. 

2) Homework check (SB + TM)

3) TM U 4 Listening Comprehension p. 34, CD1/9

+ p. 36/7 + 8

2) Travelling: class book p. 91/10 + 11; WB p. 125/11

3) class book p. 92/2 - Listening + table with prefixes

přijít (to arrive - on foot, to come)Kdy přijdeš ze školy domů?
Včera jsem přišel pozdě do práce.
odejít (to leave - on foot)Tatínek není doma, odešel do práce.
Za 5 minut musím odejít.
přijet  (to arrive - by vehicle, to come)Auto přijelo na parkoviště.
Zítra přijedou kamarádi z Prahy na návštěvu.
odjet (to leave - by vehicle)
přiletět (to arrive - by plane, to come)Včera přiletěli rodiče do České republiky.odletět ( (to leave - by plane)

p. 92 ex. 3 + 4 (listening)

Domácí úkol

learn for the test

Genitive: WB p. 113, ex. 11, 12, 13; p. 114/19 (check your answers in WB, p. 153-154)

Verbs of motion (short and long): WB p. 125/12, 14

Verbs with prefixes: complete the handout, check the answers (included)

Week 5: Progress Test 1 (see the structure in Study Materials)

Your teacher will call you through MS Teams, share a worksheet with you, you will have some time to think about each answer and then you will do the task (no writing, just speaking). There are 30 tasks, you will have 15 - 20 minutes for the whole test.