Čeština pro cizince III_ Fyzioterapie

Týden 10: Talking about weather. Medical Czech: TM U3 Illness, Disease. Physiotherapy II.

Class activities

TM p. 27, ex. 1 - 4; p. 28 - 29 ex. 5 - 7. 

Class book 

a) p. 114, ex. 4

b) Dobrý nebo dobře p. 115 table and listening CD 2/08

ex. 2 + 3 + 4

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work book (2nd book for units 13 - 24) p. 20/15 + 16, p. 21/19 

Info about the credit

I plan to have one more test, week 14, at Komenského. If you pass succesfully, you will get the credit. If your score of all 3 test is low, I will ask you some questions after the test. It should be in our usual class time in the room which is booked for us in a timetable. 


I will correct the test immediately and students with poor score in this test and in some former ones will be asked some questions concerning the parts of the test (tests) where the most mistakes appear(ed). If they answer satisfactorily, they will no longer write a test or take an exam and receive credit. Other students, with high score in all tests,  will receive credit without further tests/exams.

The conditions for obtaining credit are different due to the difficult situation during the semester.