Semester 14 weeks, 4 progress tests Attendance and substitutions * number of unexcused absences: 2 * number of recommended absences: 0 Tests Progress tests · week 4: written test (-2) · week 7: written test (-2) · week 10: written test (-2) · week 12: oral test (-2) · passmark for written progress tests: 70 % (35/50 points), oral test 70% (14/20 points) Credit test · passmark 70 % (can be reduced if progress tests are passed) Skipping the credit test Each written test is for 50 points (altogether 150 points), oral test is for 20 points. Passmark for each written test is 35/50 points, oral test passmark is 14/20. If students a) successfully pass all progress tests, b) get at least 153 points in total (both conditions must be met), they do not have to take the final test.