Autonomic nervous system Limbic system Neocortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex2 Autonomic nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex3 The role of nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex4 Input Integration Output REGULATIONREGULATION Potential input Potential output ANTICIPATIONANTICIPATION Sensor Effector Cortex Cortex Feedback regulation Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex5 Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex6 Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex7 Somatic a autonomic nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex8 ➢„Voluntary“ ✓Skeletal muscle ▪Direct connection between CNS and effector ➢„Involuntary“ ✓Cardiomyocyte ✓Visceral muscle ✓Gland ▪Autonomic ganglion inserted between CNS and effector Somatic a autonomic nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex9 ➢„Voluntary“ ✓Skeletal muscle ▪Direct connection between CNS and effector ➢„Involuntary“ ✓Cardiomyocyte ✓Visceral muscle ✓Gland ▪Autonomic ganglion inserted between CNS and effector Visceral reflex loop Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex10 Visceral reflex loop Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex11 Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex12 Sympatthetic nervous system Fight or flight response Energy/store consumption Preganglionic neuron – Spinal cord -Thoraco - lumbar system Ganglia Paravertebral -Truncus sympathicus - Majority Prevertebral -Plexus aorticus Mostly diffuse effect Parasympathetic nervous system Rest and digest response Energy conservation/energy store production Preganglionic neuron – Brain stem and spinal cord – cranio-sacral system Ganglia Close to target organs or intramurally Mostly local effect Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex13 Sympatthetic nervous system Fight or flight response Energy/store consumption Preganglionic neuron – Spinal cord -Thoraco - lumbar system Ganglia Paravertebral -Truncus sympathicus - Majority Prevertebral -Plexus aorticus Mostly diffuse effect Parasympathetic nervous system Rest and digest response Energy conservation/energy store production Preganglionic neuron – Brain stem and spinal cord – cranio-sacral system Ganglia Close to target organs or intramurally Mostly local effect Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex14 Sympatthetic nervous system Fight or flight response Energy/store consumption Preganglionic neuron – Spinal cord -Thoraco - lumbar system Ganglia Paravertebral -Truncus sympathicus - Majority Prevertebral -Plexus aorticus Mostly diffuse effect Parasympathetic nervous system Rest and digest response Energy conservation/energy store production Preganglionic neuron – Brain stem and spinal cord – cranio-sacral system Ganglia Close to target organs or intramurally Mostly local effect Mediators of somatic and autonomic nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex15 %2Fthumb%2Forig%2F105365259.png&psig=AFQjCNFxrUy63llCAlny-Vhlyse4FHDMaw&ust=1476801796194278 Acetylcholine Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex16 Preganglionic fibers • Sympathetic • Parasympathetic ✓ Nicotinic receptor – Ligand-gated ion channels – Na+, K+, Ca2+ – Neuronal (NN) and muscle (NM) type – Excitatory Postganglionic fibers • Parasympathetic ✓ Muscarinic receptor – G-coupled – Excitatory • M1, M3, M5 – Inhibitory • M2, M4 02970/article_deploy/html/images/marinedrugs-12-02970-g013-1024.png https://s-media-cache- Norepinephrine Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex17 • Postganglionic sympathetic fibers • Adrenergic receptor – G-coupled – α type– generally excitatory (contraction) with an exception of GIT –  type – generally inhibitory (relaxation) with an exception of !!! heart !!! adrenal-gland-epinephrine-norepinephrine-splanchic-nerves.jpg • Adrenal medulla – Modified sympathetic ganglion – „Transmitters“ (stress hormones) secreted into the blood stream • Norepinephrine • Epinephrine Norepinephrine Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex18 • Postganglionic sympathetic fibers • Adrenergic receptor – G-coupled – α type– generally excitatory (contraction) with an exception of GIT –  type – generally inhibitory (relaxation) with an exception of !!! heart !!! adrenal-gland-epinephrine-norepinephrine-splanchic-nerves.jpg • Adrenal medulla – Modified sympathetic ganglion – „Transmitters“ (stress hormones) secreted into the blood stream • Norepinephrine • Epinephrine Brain centers controling autonomic nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex19 Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex20 Brain centers controling autonomic nervous system • Most of the regulations are unconscious and originate from the hypothalamus • Strong emotional experiences or strong emotional memories can trigger autonomic response (usually sympathetic) Hypothalamus Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex21 • Key center of autonomic regulations and coordination • Integration of the information from inner and outer environment • Behavioral modulation • Regulation of autonomic nervous system • Maintenance of homeostasis thalamus.htm Hypothalamus Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex22 • Key center of autonomic regulations and coordination • Integration of the information from inner and outer environment • Behavioral modulation • Regulation of autonomic nervous system • Maintenance of homeostasis thalamus.htm Enteric nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex23 • aprox. 500 mil. neurons – (brain aprox. 100 bil.) – (spinal cord aprox. 100 mil.) • Plexus myentericus • Plexus submucosus • Sensory component • Executive component • Interneurons • High level of autonomy – „brain in the gut“ system?qid=d1502190-93fe-4b05-9d92-6a42e3ca72fc&v=&b=&from_search=8 Enteric nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex24 • Autonomy – Control of motility – Control of secretion – Control of blood flow • Autonomic nervous system – Whole GIT regulation – Coordination of all organ systems activities Enteric nervous system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex25 • Autonomy – Control of motility – Control of secretion – Control of blood flow • Autonomic nervous system – Whole GIT regulation – Coordination of all organ systems activities AACs/NPzsh8ydzjQ/s1600/redistributionofbloodflow.jpg ANS and cardiovascular system 26 Cardiac output Blood redistribution Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex ANS and cardiovascular system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex27 • Local regulatory mechanisms play major role in vasoreactivity • Sympathetic regulation – Skin vessels contraction – Muscle vessels dilatation • Parsympathetic regulation – GIT vessels dilation Artery 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 Strong sympathetic tone Smooth muscle contraction Vasoconstriction Weaker sympathetic tone Smooth muscle relaxation Vasodilation Sympathetic nerve fiber Vasomotor tone (a) Vasoconstriction (b) Vasodilation Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. ANS and cardiovascular system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex28 • Sympathetic regulation – Heart rate increase – Contractility increase – Conductivity increase • Parasympathetic regulation – Heart rate decrease – Contractility decrease – Conductivity decrease Baroreceptors a chemoreceptors Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex29 Baroreflex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex30 Limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex31 Limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex32 Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Limbus = border Concept of the limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex33 • Voluntary • Automatic Concept of the limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex34 • Voluntary • Automatic Potencial conflict Concept of the limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex35 • Voluntary • Automatic Potenciálni konfliktLimbic system Control Modulation Concept of the limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex36 • Voluntary • Automatic Potenciálni konfliktLimbic system Control Modulation Limbic system Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex37 Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Limbus = border Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex38 Prof. Gerald Schneider Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex39 Prof. Gerald Schneider Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex40 Prof. Gerald Schneider Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex41 Arousal type 1 (somatic) ARAS (ascendent retikulation activation system) • Effect of stimulation – Habituation – Minimal activation of „reward/punishing“ system • Ascendent connections – Somatosensetivity, visual s., auditory s., vestibular s., cerebellum • Descendent connections – Neocortex, corpus striatum, thalamus Arousal type 2 (limbic) • Effect of stimulation – Minimal habituation – Strong activation of „reward/ punishing“ system • Central gray area –CGA - negative • Ventral tegmental area – VTA – positive • Ascendent connections – Mainly viscerosenzitivity, pain • Descendent connections – Hypothalamus and other limbic areas, amygdala Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex42 Arousal type 1 (somatic) ARAS (ascendent retikulation activation system) • Effect of stimulation – Habituation – Minimal activation of „reward/punishing“ system • Ascendent connections – Somatosensetivity, visual s., auditory s., vestibular s., cerebellum • Descendent connections – Neocortex, corpus striatum, thalamus Arousal type 2 (limbic) • Effect of stimulation – Minimal habituation – Strong activation of „reward/ punishing“ system • Central gray area –CGA - negative • Ventral tegmental area – VTA – positive • Ascendent connections – Mainly viscerosenzitivity, pain • Descendent connections – Hypothalamus and other limbic areas, amygdala Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex43 Arousal type 1 (somatic) ARAS (ascendent retikulation activation system) • Effect of stimulation – Habituation – Minimal ctivation of „reward/punishing“ system • Ascendent connections – Somatosensetivity, visual s., auditory s., vestibular s., cerebellum • Descendent connections – Neocortex, corpus striatum, thalamus Arousal type 2 (limbic) • Effect of stimulation – Minimal habituation – Strong activation of „reward/ punishing“ system • Central gray area –CGA - negative • Ventral tegmental area – VTA – positive • Ascendent connections – Mainly viscerosenzitivity, pain • Descendent connections – Hypothalamus and other limbic areas, amygdala Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Acetylcholine Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex44 • Nucleus basalis (Meynerti) abd other nuclei • Nicotin receptors • Muscarin receptors • Sleep/wake regulation • Cognitive functions • Behavior • Emotions Norepinefrine Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex45 • Locus coeruleus • Nuclei raphe caudalis • Vigilance • Responsiveness to unexpected stimuli • Memory • Learning Dopamine Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex46 • Nigrostriatal system – Movement – Sensory stimuli • Ventrotegmentno-mesolimbicfrontal system – Reward – Cognitive function – Emotional behavior • Tubero-infundibular system – Hypotalamic-pituatory regulation • D1 receptors – excitatory • D2 receptors - inhibitory Serotonin Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex47 • Nuclei raphe rostralis • Nuclei raphe caudalis • Anxiety/relaxation • Impulsive behavior • Sleep Sleep and wakefulness Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex48 RPO/RPC – nucleus reticularis pontis oralis/caudalis Sleep Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex49 Sleep Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex50 9735094401/Fig-4-EEG-waves-for-different-signals.png cle-3042230/Sleeping-habits-world- revealed-wakes-grumpy-China-best-quality- shut-eye-South-Africa-wakes-earliest.html Sleep and wakefulness Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex51 Brainstem nuclei responsible Neurotransmitter Activity state WAKEFULNESS Cholinergic nuclei of pons-midbrain junction Acetylcholine Active Locus coeruleus Norepinephrine Active Raphe nuclei Serotonin Active NON-REM SLEEP Cholinergic nuclei of pons-midbrain junction Acetylcholine Decreased Locus coeruleus Norepinephrine Decreased Raphe nuclei Serotonin Decreased REM SLEEP ON Cholinergic nuclei of pons-midbrain junction Acetylcholine Active Raphe nuclei Serotonin Inactive REM SLEEP OFF Locus coeruleus Norepinephrine Active Hypothalamus Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex52 • Key center of autonomic regulations and coordination • Integration of the information from inner and outer environment • Behavioral modulation • Regulation of autonomic nervous system • Maintenance of homeostasis thalamus.htm Hypothalamus Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex53 • Key center of autonomic regulations and coordination • Integration of the information from inner and outer environment • Behavioral modulation • Regulation of autonomic nervous system • Maintenance of homeostasis thalamus.htm Influence of hypothalamus on neocortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex54 • Via neuromodulating systems – Consciuosness (see above) – Mood • Via thalamus – Via nucleus mediodorsalis to orbitofrontal cortex (influence on decision making) – Influence gating function of other thalamic nuclei • Papez circuit content/uploads/2015/02/Dopamine_Norepinephrine_Serotonin.jpg al_cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Papez circuit Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex55 Papez circuit Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex56 Prof. Gerald Schneider Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Acces sed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Papez circuit Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex57 Prof. Gerald Schneider Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Acces sed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Papez circuit Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex58 Prof. Gerald Schneider Gerald Schneider. 9.14 Brain Structure and Its Origins, Spring 2014. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Acces sed). License:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA Learning and memory Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex59 • Connections of striatum and hippocampus are plastic • Plasticity is a base of learning • Learning is a forming of long- term memory • Declarative memory (explicit) – Based on hippocampus – Explicit information is stored and later recollected – „Construction of the maps (relationships)“ – spatial or abstract • Procedural memory (implicit) – Based on striatum – Habitual learning – motor skills, but also social habits – „Construction of the algorithms“ Learning and memory Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex60 • Connections of striatum and hippocampus are plastic • Plasticity is a base of learning • Learning is a forming of long- term memory • Declarative memory (explicit) – Based on hippocampus – Explicit information is stored and later recollected – „Construction of the maps (relationships)“ – spatial or abstract • Procedural memory (implicit) – Based on striatum – Habitual learning – motor skills, but also social habits – „Construction of the algorithms“ Learning and memory Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex61 • Connections of striatum and hippocampus are plastic • Plasticity is a base of learning • Learning is a forming of long- term memory • Declarative memory (explicit) – Based on hippocampus – Explicit information is stored and later recollected – „Construction of the maps (relationships)“ – spatial or abstract • Procedural memory (implicit) – Based on striatum – Habitual learning – motor skills, but also social habits – „Construction of the algorithms“ Learning and memory Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex62 • Connections of striatum and hippocampus are plastic • Plasticity is a base of learning • Learning is a forming of long- term memory • Declarative memory (explicit) – Based on hippocampus – Explicit information is stored and later recollected – „Construction of the maps (relationships)“ – spatial or abstract • Procedural memory (implicit) – Based on striatum – Habitual learning – motor skills, but also social habits – „Construction of the algorithms“ Location oriented: Where am I and what has happened here? Location oriented: Where am I and what has happened here? Object oriented: Can I eat it and how to eat it? Object oriented: Can I eat it and how to eat it? Amygdala Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex63 user_images/1406217/9806788916.png DTBzUhiQrAE/Uz_bIohLgII/AAAAAAAAADU/kFhO3Eeq 6B8/s1600/amygdala-bypass.gif • Connections to all major cortical and subcortica lstructures • Modiffied corpus striatum • Plasticity – memory formation • „Influence of information from outer environment on limbic system“ • „Amygdala hijack“ • „Affective tags“ – Both possitive and negative – Higher responsiveness to negative Amygdala Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex64 user_images/1406217/9806788916.png DTBzUhiQrAE/Uz_bIohLgII/AAAAAAAAADU/kFhO3Eeq 6B8/s1600/amygdala-bypass.gif • Connections to all major cortical and subcortica lstructures • Modiffied corpus striatum • Plasticity – memory formation • „Influence of information from outer environment on limbic system“ • „Amygdala hijack“ • „Affective tags“ – Both possitive and negative – Higher responsiveness to negative Neocortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex65 Cerebral cortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex66 • Paleocortex (1%) – 3 layers – rhinencephalon • Archicortex (4%) – 3-4 layers – hippocampus • Neocortex – 6 layers Neocortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex67 Primary areas ✓Somathotopic organization Association areas ✓No somathotopic organization ✓Unimodal ✓Polymodal ✓Association areas are thought to be the anatomical substrates of the highest brain functions—conscious thought, perception, and goal-directed action Organization of neocortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex68 • Specific inputs/outputs to/from each layer • Vertical and horizontal connections in each layer • Each layer usually contains cells with similar functions • Local differences in cytoarchitecture were used by Brodmann for construction of the map of brain areas Brodman areas Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex69 Broadman's # NAME FUNCTION 17 Occipital Lobe Visual Projection Cortex 18 Visual Association Cortex 19 Posterior Parietal Lobe Visual Association Cortex 37 Tempero-parietal-occipital area General Sensory Association Cortex 39 Angular Gyrus Word Recognition 40 Supramarginal Lobe Somatosensory Association Cortex 1,2,3 Postcentral Gyrus Somatosensory Projection Cortex 5, 7 Superior Parietal Lobule General Sensory Association Cortex 41, 42 Middle 1/3 of Superior Temporal Cortex Auditory Projection Cortex 22 Superior Temporal Gyrus Auditory Association Cortex 21, 20, 38 Inferior Temporal Cortex General Sensory Association Cortex 4 Precentral Gyrus Primary Motor Cortex 1,2,3 Postcentral Gyrus Somatosensory Projection Cortex 6,8,9 Premotor Cortex Motor Association Cortex 41, 42 Middle 1/3 of Superior Temporal Cortex Auditory Projection Cortex 44,45,46 Broca's Area Motor Association Cortex - Specific to speech 10 Preftontal Cortex General Motor Association Cortex 11 Orbital Gyri General Motor Association Cortex Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex70 Cerebral cortex and thalamus Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex71 • Close cooperation between cerebral cortex and thalamus • Bilateral connections • Almost all sensory information reaching cerebral cortex is gated by thalamus • Exception - olfaction Cortical functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex72 Association areas Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex73 • Neither receptive • Nor effector • Integrative function • Limbic • Parieto-occipito-temporal • Frontal Signal processing algorithm Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex74 Aferentation Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex75 ✓ Unimodal sensory inputs diverge on multimodal association areas Eferentation Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex76 ✓ The Sequence of Information processing Is Reversed in the Motor System Limbic association area Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex77 • Integration of information from inner and outer environment • Hypothalamus • Emotions • Motivation • Instinct behavior nbiomedia/0665.jpg Parieto-occipito-temporal association area Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex78 • Linkage and interpretation of information from several sensory modalities • Visual – acoustic – sensory analysis • Object recognition and categorization • Language comprehension • Attention Lateralization of cerebral functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex79 Lateralization of cerebral functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex80 Aphasia Acalculia Tactile agnosia Conceptual apraxia Ideomotor apraxia Orientation disorders Constructional apraxia Anosognosia Neglect syndrome Frontal association area • Executive function – Motor / behavioral – Cognitive • Mostly developed in human •1. Australopithecus robustus 2. Homo habilis 3. Homo erectus 4. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis 5. Homo sapiens sapiens 81 Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex Phinease Gage (1823 – 1860) Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex82 • 1848 – work injury • Before injury ➢ Reliable ➢ Friendly ➢ Responsible ➢ Polite • After injury ➢ Unreliable ➢ Hostile ➢ Irresponsible ➢ Rude • 1860 – died from status epilepticus Frontal lobe Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex83 Frontal association area Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex84 • ~ 1/3 of neocortex • One of the evolutionary youngest cortical areas • Late development in ontogeny – Differentiation during the 1st year of life – Mostly developed around the 6th year of life – ? End of maturation around the 20th year of life? Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex85 • Input from association cortex – P-O-T association area – Limbic association area • Reciprocal connections: – prefrontal processing modulates perceptual processing – „Loops“ • Input to premotor areas Frontal association area Functions of frontal association area Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex86 ➢ Motor/non-motor planning/organization - strategy - anticipation ➢ Thinking – mental models processing ➢ Attention – „information filtering“ ➢ Behavioral control – Facilitation of „wanted“ – Inhibition of „unwanted“ Frontal lobe and mental arousal Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex87 •Right frontal lobe –Bilateral influence –Inhibition •Left frontal lobe –Unilateral influence –Activation •Left frontal lobe damage –Reduced spontaneous activity –Reduced self-control; impulsive instinct behavior Frontal lobe functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex88 Motor Cognitive Behavior Arousal Voluntary movements Memory Personality Attention Language Expression Problem solving Social and sexual Eye movements Judgment Impulse control Initiation Abstract thinking Mood and affect Spontaneity Cortical functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex89 Cortical functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex90 Learning to speak Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex91 • Learning to speak takes a long time period • Understanding – „sensoric“ • Speaking – „motor action“ • 7.-12. month – baby begins to understand simple orders • 1. year – baby uses a couple of words • 2.-5. years – baby maters syntax rules • 6. years – child uses around 2500 words • Adult vocabulary • Active: 3000 -10 000 words • Passive: 3-6x higher than active v. Learning to speak Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex92 • Learning to speak takes a long time period • Understanding – „sensoric“ • Speaking – „motor action“ • 7.-12. month – baby begins to understand simple orders • 1. year – baby uses a couple of words • 2.-5. years – baby maters syntax rules • 6. years – child uses around 2500 words • Adult vocabulary • Active: 3000 -10 000 words • Passive: 3-6x higher than active v. Language areas Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex93 There are two main language areas • Broca´s area (motor) ✓ Close to motor cortex • Wernicke´s area (sensor) ✓ Close to auditory cortex • Fasciculus arcuatus • Broca´s aphasia ✓ Motor, expressive ✓ Comprehension preserved, speach unarticulated • Wernicke´s aphasia ✓ perceptive, sensor ✓ Comprehension damaged, speech fluent, but not meaningful • Conduction aphasia ✓ Damage of fasc. arcuatus ✓ Speech fluent, comprehension preserved ✓ Problem with repeating words and sentences • Dysarthria ✓ Problem with articulation ✓ For example, damage of vocal cord … Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex94 Algorithm of sound processing ✓ Wernicke´s area ✓Broca´s area ✓P-O-T association cortex Sound Yes Human voice No Syllable Yes No Real word - meaningful Pseudo-word - No meaning Integration of auditory, visual and somatosensory information Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex95 Lobulus parietalis inferior - Interpretation of sound - Interpretation of visual signal - Interpretation of somatosensation - Interpretation of spoken/read word Categorization P - O - T association cortex Language functions lateralization Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex96 • Broca´s and Wernicke´s area is localized in the left hemisphere in 97% of people • Localization of B-W areas is not fully linked to left/right hand lateralization ✓ 90% of people are right handed ✓ 95% of right handed people have B-W area in the left hemisphere ✓ The majority of left handed people has B-W areas also in left hemisphere • Some scientists suggest that the left hemisphere dominance for language evolved from this hemisphere’s better motor control • The language specialization develops in the left hemisphere, which matures slightly earlier Language functions lateralization Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex97 • Broca´s and Wernicke´s area is localized in the left hemisphere in 97% of people • Localization of B-W areas is not fully linked to left/right hand lateralization ✓ 90% of people are right handed ✓ 95% of right handed people have B-W area in the left hemisphere ✓ The majority of left handed people has B-W areas also in left hemisphere • Some scientists suggest that the left hemisphere dominance for language evolved from this hemisphere’s better motor control • The language specialization develops in the left hemisphere, which matures slightly earlier Right hemisphere language functions Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex98 • Non-verbal aspect of language ✓Prosody – intonation, stress… • Non-literal language aspects ✓Irony ✓Metaphors • Understanding to discourse / complex speech ✓Lecture, discussion Women and language Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex99 • Females’ speech is more fluent – they can pronounce more words or sentences in a given amount of time • Women have the reputation of being able to talk and listen while doing all sorts of things at the same time • Women language is more widespread in both hemispheres while in men more left lateralized – more nerve fibers connecting the two hemispheres of their brains, which also suggests that more information is exchanged between them. • The males’ higher levels of testosterone, which delays the development of the left hemisphere – 4 times more boys than girls suffer from stuttering, dyslexia Functional diagnostic methods Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex100 • Detection of electrical activity – Higher neuronal activity - higher electrical activity – Electroencephalography (EEG) • Detection of regional blood flow – Higher neuronal activity – increased blod flow – Single photon emission tomography (SPECT) – Positron emission tomography (PET) – Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) EEG Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex101 • Detection of neuronal electrical activity • monopolar arrangement: – active electrode – indifferent electrode = referential recording • bipolar recording – lead (channel) – ground electrode • EEG voltage in microvolts (vs. in mV in neurons) 01211/article_deploy/html/images/sensors-12-01211f1-1024.png EEG Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex102 =0ahUKEwjyr82Im6veAhUliaYKHfquClkQ_AUIDigB&biw=1222&bih=574#imgrc=nCNGCX88H 3K7ZM: EEG Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex103 =0ahUKEwjyr82Im6veAhUliaYKHfquClkQ_AUIDigB&biw=1222&bih=574#imgrc=nCNGCX88H 3K7ZM: Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex104 • Injection of radionuclide labeled substances • Short half live of radionuclide – Necessary to prepare shortly before application – Nuclear medicine department • SPECT – Single photon emission computer tomograhy – radionuclide is the source of gamma rays – Low resolution (around 1 cm) • PET – Positron emission tomography – radionuclide is the source of positrons – Positron annihilation produces two gamma photons – higher resolution (around 2mm) 013/CS/c3cs60086f/c3cs60086f-f4.gif PET a SPECT Functional regions of te brain Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex105 fMRI Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex106 • Different atoms (nuclei) have various magnetic properties when exposed to strong magnetic field • Hydrogen • fMRI uses different magnetic properties of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin • reduced hemoglobin becomes paramagnetic, change the signal emitted by blood, we can measure the amount of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin as an indicator of the blood flow • High resolution (up to1mm) • No radiation fMRI Autonomic nervous system - Limbic system - Neocortex107 Kim, K. H. S., Relkin, N. R., Lee, K.-M. & Hirsch, J. Distinct cortical areas associated with native and second languages. Nature 388, 171–174 (1997).