Physiology of every day life INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY EXAMS ARE COMING… Short term regulation BAROREFLEX msoDBE03 Stanovení citlivosti baroreflexu Valsalvův manévr Ganong WF, 2005 • •2 basic types: üNervous regulation üHumoral regulation üFeedback control - negative ü - positive ü • autoregulation – local regulation – system regulation Feedback regulation bal_simple_loop REGULATION VS. ADAPTATION REGULATION ADAPTATION •kind of response to long-acting stimulus •evolutionary process •management of living systems •at all system levels REGULATION vs. ADAPTATION TIME REGULATION 1. local/autoregulation 3. hormonal 4. nervous regulation 2. metabolic •physical or chemical •are largely autonomous •regulated by metabolic products •belongs to local regulation •central nervous system •periferal nervous system Blood flow regulation 1.Bayliss effect (myogenic autoregulation) or NO 2.pO2, pCO2 3.Adrenaline, noradrenaline, RAAS 4.Sympathetic endocrine secretion paracrine secretion autocrine secretion •Autoregulation – the capacity of tissues to regulate their own blood flow •Myogenic theory – Bayliss phenomenon (as the pressure rises, the blood vessels are distended and the vascular smooth muscle fibres that surround the vessels contract; the wall tension is proportional to the distending pressure times the radius of the vessels – law of Laplace: • T=P x r) • •Metabolic theory – vasodilator substances tend to accumulate in active tissue, and these metabolites also contribute to autoregulation –ending products of energetic metabolism – CO2, lactate acid, K+ –effect of hypoxia (circulation: vasodilatation x pulmonary circulation: vasoconstriction) –Adenosin – coronary circulation: vasodilatation • TYPES OF PHYSIOLOGICAL REGULATIONS parallel feedback serial feedback feedback FEEDBACK + - direct feedback indirect feedback FEEDBACK FEEDBACK Exercise Static (isometric) Dynamic (isotonic) muscle develops force, but muscle length does not change muscle length varies continuously, but force does not change Auxotonic strength and muscle length are changing DYNAMIC POZITIVE NEGATIVE muscle shortens against constant or rising resistance, some of the energy in the muscle is converted into kinetic or potential energy muscle during contraction is driven by external force, the bulk of the energy is converted into heat parameter rest workload CO (l/min) 5-6 HR (t/min) 70 SV (ml) 70 SBP (mmHg) 120 DBP (mmHg) 70 25(35) 210 (250-190) Age dependence 115 ↑ ↑ or ═ or ↓ REACTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM TO WORKLOAD 115 ... reserve = maximum .../resting… AUTOREGULATION OF THE CARDIAC MUSCLE Heterometricautoregulation (Frank-Starling): Homeometric autoregulation: (Bowditch phenomenon) •serves to immediately compensate for natural variations in the filling of left and right chambers •due to homeometric autoregulation increase of heart rate leads to increase the force of contraction Rest heart filling higher heart filling extremal heart filling time Force of contraction Bowditch phenomenon parameter rest workload CO (l/min) 5-6 HR (t/min) 70 SV (ml) 70 SBP (mmHg) 120 DBP (mmHg) 70 25(35) 210 (250-190) 115 ↑ ↑ or ═ or ↓ 115 REGULATION AND ADAPTATION TO EXERCISE CARDIOVASCULAR RESPIRATORY parameter rest workload CO (l/min) 5-6 HR (t/min) 70 SV (ml) 70 SBP (mmHg) 120 DBP (mmHg) 70 25(35) 210 (250-190) 115 ↑ ↑ or ═ or ↓ parameter rest workload MV (l/min) 6-12 BF (d/min) 12-16 BO (ml) 0,5-0,75 blood flow (l/min) 5,5 intake O2 (ml/min) 250-300 90-120 40-60 2 20-35 3000 METABOLISM RESPONSE TO WORKLOAD CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Athletic heart : •Hypertrophy + dilatation •Increased volume reserve (1,5x) •Increased chronotropic reserve „Physiological“ hypertrophy •Extending muscle fibers and increasing their thickness •Remodeling accompanied by normal or increased contractility