Electrophysiology of Cell Membranes Electrical Excitability, Action Potentials Synaptic Transmission, Neuromuscular Junction Physiology of Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Cells Physiology of Cells II. Electrophysiology of Cell Membranes ➢ Ionic Basis of Membrane Potentials • Transport of ions across membranes • Ionic channels – structure and function, selectivity, gating • Membrane potential is genereted by ion gradients (equilibrium potential, resting membrane potential) ➢ Measurement of Ionic Currents Electrical Excitability, Action Potentials ➢ Electrical Excitability (threshold, electrotonic potential, local response) • Phases • Ionic base (voltage-gated vs. other subtypes of ionic channels) • Pathophysiology – first remarks ➢ Action Potential (neuron, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle) ➢ Propagation of Action Potentials (local current loops, myelin sheet, gap junctions) Synaptic Transmission ➢ Electrical vs. Chemical Synapses • Structure, Classification (according to place and response) • Neurotransmitters – Types, Mechanisms of Action • Summation of Information from Individual Synapses ➢ Chemical Synapses ➢ Neuromuscular Junction (structure, function, endplate potential) Physiology of Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth Muscle ➢ Structure ➢ Origin of Electrical Excitation ➢ Action Potential Configuration, Ionic Base ➢ Excitation – Contraction Coupling ➢ Regulation of the Force of Contraction