Physiology department1 Respiratory system. Compendium. Physiology department2 Questions for the oral exam ̶ A22: Hypoxia and ischemia ̶ A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement ̶ A26: Dead space, measurement ̶ A27: Resistance of airways, measurement ̶ A28: Maximal respiratory flow - volume curve (spirogram) ̶ A45: Alveolar surface tension. Surfactant ̶ A46: Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. Pneumothorax ̶ A47: Composition of atmospheric and alveolar air. Gas exchange in lungs and tissues ̶ A48: Transport of O2. Oxygen - haemoglobin dissociation curve. Transport of CO2 ̶ A49: Regulation of ventilation ̶ A50: Respiratory responses to irritants Physiology department3 A22: Hypoxia and ischemia ̶ Hypoxia is a general name for a lack of oxygen in the body or individual tissues ̶ Ischemia, meaning insufficient blood flow to a tissue, can also result in hypoxia ̶ The most common types of hypoxia: ̶ Hypoxic ̶ Transport (anemic) ̶ Ischemic (stagnation) ̶ Histotoxic O2O2 O2O2 ERY ERY ERY: ♀ 3.4 – 4.4 * 1012/l ♂ 4.5 – 5.5 * 1012/l pO2: 21kPa 4 A22: Hypoxia and ischemia ̶ Hypoxic: ̶ physiological: stay at higher altitudes ̶ ↓ pO2; N Ery ̶ pathological: hypoventilation during lung or neuromuscular diseases ̶ ↓ ventilation; N pO2; N Ery ̶ Transport (anemic): ̶ reduced transport capacity of blood for oxygen (anemia, blood loss) ̶ N pO2; ↓ Ery/Hb ̶ Ischemic (stagnation): ̶ restricted blood flow to tissue (heart failure, obstruction of an artery) ̶ N pO2; N Ery ̶ Histotoxic ̶ cells are unable to utilize oxygen (cyanide poisoning) ̶ N pO2; N Ery Physiology department5 A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement ̶ Ventilation, or breathing, is the movement of air through the conducting passages between the atmosphere and the lungs ̶ Principle: determination the air flow velocity from the measured pressure differences between the inner and outer spirometer membranes, the volumes being calculated (PowerLab spirometry) Physiology department6 A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement ̶ Tidal volume (TV) – the volume of air that enters the lungs during each inspiration (or the volume that is exhaled during every expiration). ̶ Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) – the maximal amount of additional air that can be drawn into the lungs by determined effort after a normal inspiration at rest. ̶ Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) – the additional amount of air that can be exhaled from the lungs by determined effort after a normal expiration. ̶ Residual volume (RV) – the volume of air still remaining in the lungs after the most forcible expiration possible. V [l] Vt (0,5 l) IRV (2,5 l) ERV (1,5 l) RV (1,5 l) Physiology department7 A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement Lung capacity: ̶ VC = VT + IRV + ERV ̶ TLC = VC + VC ̶ FRC = ERV + RV ̶ IC = IRV + VT ̶ EC = ERV + VT Vt (0,5 l) IRV (2,5 l) ERV (1,5 l) RV (1,5 l) V [l] Dynamic lung volumes: ̶ VE ̶ MMV Physiology department8 A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement Dynamic lung volumes V [l] Time [s] FVCRV 1 s FEV1 ―FVC – the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after maximum inhale ―FEV1 – the volume of air exhaled with the greatest effort in 1 second after maximum inhale ―FEV1/FVC (%) – Tiffeneau index – around 0,8 (80 %) Physiology department9 A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement 1 s V [l] Time [s] 1 s V [l] Time [s] FEV1 FEV1 FVC > FVC Obstruction lung disease (FVC=N; FEV1=↓) ― tracheal stenosis ― astma bronchiale ― CHOPN ― tumor Restrictive lung disease (FVC=↓; FEV1=N) Pulmonarzy etiology ― pulmonary fibrosis ― lung resection ― pulmonary edema ― pneumonia Extrapulmonary etiology ― ascites ― kyphoscoliosis ― burns ― high diaphragm condition Physiology department10 A25: Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement c= 𝑛 𝑉 V1 c1 V2=RV+V1 c2 V1× 𝑐1 = (𝑅𝑉 + 𝑉1) ×c2 𝑅𝑉 = 𝑉1 × 𝑐1 𝑐2 − 𝑉1 Helium dilution method – residual volume Physiology department11 A28: Maximal respiratory flow - volume curve (spirogram) PEF MEF25% MEF50% MEF75% TLC IRV Vt ERV RV IRC VC FRC RV • PEF – peek expiratory flow; the highest speed of air flow at peak of exhale • MEF – maximum expiratory flow rates at different FVC levels, which is still to be exhaled (75 %, 50 % and 25 % of FVC) Principle: the measurement of the air flow velocity according to the speed of the turbine and the volumes are calculated (Cosmed). Physiology department12 A26: Dead space, measurement Physiology department13 A26: Dead space, measurement Physiology department14 A27: Resistance of airways, measurement Pneumotachograph: ―tubes of the same diameter, parallel arranged ―measures the differences in air pressure at the beginning and end of the pneumotachograph in proportion to the velocity of the inhaled or exhaled air p atm alv p p d P P P P V R R − − = = =p p atmP P P − =alv alv atmP P P − 1alv d p p P R R P   =  −    ⩒= Δ𝑃 𝑅 Physiology department15 A45: Alveolar surface tension. Surfactant ― pneumocytes typ II ― reduces the surface tension depending on the size of the alveolus ― increases lung compliance, reduces breathing work The Laplace law (in constant tension): the alveolus with bigger radius has lower pressure → the air would move from a smaller alveolus to a bigger one → collapse of smaller alveoli r T P 2 = Physiology department16 A46: Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. Pneumothorax parietal pleura visceral pleura pleural fluid pleural pressure alveolar pressure Physiology department17 A46: Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. Pneumothorax ̶ According to etiology: ̶ traumatic pneumothorax (due to an injury) occurs if the chest wall is perforated or during an injury of the esophagus, bronchi, and during rib fractures. ̶ spontaneous pneumothorax ̶ primary idiopathic pneumothorax (without any known cause) may occur in tall healthy young men with an incidence of pneumothoraxes in the family, ̶ secondary pneumothorax arises as a consequence of lung diseases (such as COPD or cystic fibrosis), ̶ iatrogenic pneumothorax (due to medical procedures) occurs during invasive medical examinations such as transparietal aspiration biopsy, subclavian vein catheterization, or mechanical ventilation with positive pressure. ̶ artificially induced (deliberate) pneumothorax is used during thoracoscopy, an endoscopic examination the thoracic cavity. ̶ According to the communication of the pleural space with its surroundings ̶ open pneumothorax (when the hole in the pleural space remains open, the air in the pleural cavity moves back and forth with each breath of the patient) ̶ closed pneumothorax (when a small opening through which air enters the pleural cavity closes) ̶ valvular pneumothorax (the tissue of the lungs or the chest wall covers the hole in such a way that a valve emerges, this valve allows air to flow inside during inspiration, but it prevents the air from leaving the pleural cavity during exhalation). Physiology department18 A46: Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. Pneumothorax Respiratory system resistance ̶ Elastic resistance: ̶ elastic fibers ̶ alveolar surface tension ̶ Nonelastic resistance: ̶ viskose resistance ̶ airway resistance Respiratory work: ̶ Elastic ̶ Viskose ̶ Work of airway resistance Physiology department19 A46: Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. Pneumothorax V (l) Pt (kPa) TLC RV Vt Pt: Patm and Ppl Pt: Palv and Ppl Pt: Patm and Palv Physiology department20 A46: Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. Pneumothorax V (l) Pt (kPa) TLC RV Vt Pt (kPa) V (l) Respiratory work: 1 – elastic 2 – viscos 3 – airway resistance 21 A47: Composition of atmospheric and alveolar air. Gas exchange in lungs and tissues. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN SEA LEVEL 1 atmosphere = 760 mm Hg 1 kPa = 7,5 mm Hg (torr) O2 20.95 % FO2  0,21 N2 78.09 % FN2  0,78 CO2 0.03 % FCO2  0,0004 PO2 = 760 x 0,21 = ~160 mm Hg PN2 = 760 x 0,78 = ~593 mm Hg PCO2 = 760 x 0,0004 = ~ 0,3 mm Hg PARTIAL PRESSURE OF DRY AIR IN SEA LEVEL COMPOSITION OF DRY ATMOSPHERIC AIR Physiology department22 A47: Composition of atmospheric and alveolar air. Gas exchange in lungs and tissues. Physiology department23 A48: Transport of O2. Oxygen - haemoglobin dissociation curve. Transport of CO2 O2 is transported in two forms : ― physically dissolved(1%) ― in chemical bond with Hb (99%) ― Fetal hemoglobin(2α, 2) ― Methemoglobin (Fe3+) ― Carboxyhemoglobin (CO) ― Carbaminohemoglobin (CO2) ― Oxyhemoglobin (O2) ― Deoxyhemoglobin (without any gases) Physiology department24 A48: Transport of O2. Oxygen - haemoglobin dissociation curve. Transport of CO2 Dissociation curve of Hb is influenced by: ― pH of blood ― pCO2 of blood ― Temperature ― Concentration of 2,3 - BPG Physiology department25 A48: Transport of O2. Oxygen - haemoglobin dissociation curve. Transport of CO2 CO2 is transported in next forms : ― physically dissolved(5 %) ― in the form of bicarbonate anions (85%) ― in chemical bond with Hb (10%) CO2 + H2O H2CO3 KAH H+ + Hb HCO3 - Cl- CO2 H+ + HCO3 - CO2 + H2OHb H2CO3 KAH Cl- CO2 Physiology department26 A49: Regulation of ventilation Physiology department27 A49: Regulation of ventilation Physiology department28 A49: Regulation of ventilation Physiology department29 A49: Regulation of ventilation 30 A50: Respiratory responses to irritants The lungs are protected from damage by: ̶ presence of hair (vibrissae) in the nasal cavity (traps dust particles) ̶ presence of ciliary epithelium covered with mucus (cilia moving mucus in one direction into the pharynx) ̶ pulmonary alveolar macrophages ̶ presence of antibodies in bronchial secretion (IgA) Reflexes: ̶ Herring-Breuer reflexes (inflation/deflation) ̶ Sneeze reflex ̶ Cough reflex ̶ Hiccup ̶ Yawn 31 A50: Respiratory responses to irritants Cough Reflex Sneeze Reflex Hiccup Cough is an expulsive reflex that protects the lungs and respiratory passage from foreign bodies. Causes of cough: ― Irritants-smokes, fumes, dusts, etc. ― Diseased conditions like COPD, tumors of thorax, etc. Pathway for cough reflex: ― Receptors in nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, trachea, pleura, diaphragm, perichondrium, stomach, ex.auditory canal and tymphanic membrane ― V,IX,X cranial nerves and phrenic nerves ― medulla ― X cranial nerve, phrenic nerve, spinal motor nerve ― primary and accessory respiratory muscles Sneeze is defined as the involuntary expulsion of air containing irritants from nose. Causes of sneeze: ― Irritation of nasal mucosa ― Excess fluid in airway Pathway for sneeze reflex: ― Olfactory receptors or V cranial nerve endings ― I and V cranial nerve ― medulla – nucleus solitarious and reticular formation ― V, VII, IX, X cranial nerves and intercostal muscles ― pharyngeal, tracheal and respiratory muscles Hiccup is spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm which causes a sudden intake of breath that is involuntarily cut off by closure of the glottis, thus producing a characteristic sound. Causes of hiccup: ― Eating too fast or too much ― Strokes, brain tumors, damage to the vagus or phrenic nerve ― Anxiety and stress Pathway for sneeze reflex: ― Phrenic, vagus, and sympathetic nerves ― Midbrain ― Motor fibers of phrenic nerve and accessory nerves ― Diaphragm and intercostal muscles Physiology department32 Herring-Breuer reflexes (inflation/deflation) ̶ a. keeps the lungs from over-inflating with inspired air ̶ pulmonary stretch R – vagus nerve – medulla – inhibition of inspiration and initiation of expiration ̶ b. serves to shorten exhalation when the lung is deflated ̶ pulmonary stretch R – vagus nerve – the pontine center A50: Respiratory responses to irritants