Surgery –General 1. Examination in surgery (physical, imaging methods) 2. Local anesthesia, blocks 3. General anesthesia 4. Basics in resustitation 5. Unconsciousness, types, diagnosis and treatment, first aid 6. Pathogenesis of surgical infections developement 7. Wound infection, prevention, diagnostics, treatment 8. Inflammation of fingers and hand 9. Anaerobic infection, diagnosis, treatment 10. Sterilisation, asepsis, desinfection, antisepsis 11. Antibiotics in surgery 12. Treatment of surgical infections 13. Sepsis (MOF, SIRS) 14. Infusion therapy, fluid management, fluid balance monitoring 15. Nutrition of surgical patient 16. Acid – base balance, basic disorders 17. Blood transfusion 18. Immunology and transplantation 19. Wounds – types, characteristics, methods of treatment 20. Wound healing 21. Puncture and gunshot wounds 22. Bleeding – classification, first aid, treatment 23. Decubitus – classification, prevention, treatment 24. Perioperative period – characteristics 25. Risks of operation - classification, character 26. Postoperative care principles 27. Postoperative complications 28. Surgical wound complications 29. Postoperative respiratory complications 30. Metabolic and neuroendocrine reaction to surgical stress 31. Technique of operation – basic procedures, types of suture 32. Venesection, coniotomy, tracheostomy – description, indication 33. Paracenteses of body cavities – indication, technique 34. Principles of plastic surgery, skin plastics 35. Shock - classification, clinical findings 36. Pathophysiology of shock 37. Prevention and therapy of shock 38. Contemporary war injuries - characteristics, treatement 39. Wound infection in war injuries 40. Tumors – classification and proces of dissemination 41. Prevention and diagnosis of tumors, oncological care organisation 42. Hemostatic disorders, pulmonary embolism 43. Thrombembolic diseases, pulmonary embolism – prevention and therapy Special surgery I 1. First aid – types, tasks, principles of triage 2. Compartement syndrome, crush syndrome, blast syndrome 3. Polytrauma – classification, principles of treatment 4. Classification of fractures 5. Complications of fractures- early complications, disorders of healing, infection 6. Types of ostheosynthesis, indications for surgery 7. Principles of open fracture treatment, classification 8. Principles of conservative fracture treatment 9. Types of bandages, fixation, plaster of Paris 10. Soft tissue injuries ( skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, tendons and ligaments) 11. Joint injuries, luxation 12. Characteristics of fractures in paediatrics, principles of treatment 13. Shoulder dislocation 14. Fractures of scapula and clavicle 15. Fractures of humerus (proximal epiphysis, diaphysis) 16. Fractures of distal epiphysis of humerus in children and adults 17. Fractures of olecranon, fractures and dislocation of proximal radius 18. Fractures of forearm (diaphyseal and distal) 19. Fractures of the hand including carpal, metacarpal and phalangeal bones 20. Classification and treatment of fractures of proximal femur 21. Fractures of femur (diaphysis and distal part) 22. Fractures of patella 23. Injury of knee ligaments and meniscus 24. Fractures of tibia (proximal part and diaphysis) 25. Malleolar fractures, tarsal ligaments rupture 26. Fractures of metatarsus and fingers 27. Classification and treatment of pelvic fractures 28. Classification, diagnosis and treatment of spinal fractures 29. Costal fractures (diagnostics, treatement and complications) 30. Blunt and penetrating injuries to the heart and major vessels 31. Traumatic haemoperitoneum, spleen and liver injuries 32. Haemothorax, pneumothorax – types and treatment 33. Thoracic emergencies 34. Lung and bronchial anomalies, cysts 35. Inflammatory lung diseases, complications 36. Lung tumours 37. Lung inflammation and injury 38. Surgical diseases of diaphragm 39. Mediastinum ( tumours, inflammation, injuries) 40. Thoracic outlet syndrome 41. Examination of patient with vascular disease 42. Ischaemia of visceral arteries- clinical manifestation, treatment ( superior mesenteric artery, renal artery) 43. Acute arterial occlusion 44. Chronic arterial disease 45. Arterial aneurysm – clinical manifestation, diagnostics and treatment 46. Principles of arterial surgical reconstruction 47. Major venous occlusion 48. Primary and secondary vein varices 49. Vascular complications of diabetes, surgical treatment Special surgery II 1. Hiatal hernia, esophageal achalasia, esophageal diverticuli, tumours and injuries 2. Congenital esophageal diseases, types of atresia, diverticula 3. Peptic ulcer disease, complications 4. Perforation of pepic ulcer 5. Gastric tumours 6. Types of stomach operations 7. Surgical diseases of duodenum, injuries 8. Congenital disease of gastrointestinal tract 9. Injury and inflammation of small bowel, mesenterial lymphadenitis 10. Small bowel tumours, complications after small bowel operations 11. Carcinoid tumour 12. Inflammatory colorectal diseases 13. Colorectal tumours 14. Surgical diseases of anus 15. Abdominal, groin and femoral hernia 16. Incarcerated abdominal hernias 17. Rare and internal hernias, congenital diseases of abdominal wall and diaphragm 18. Surgical access to abdominal cavity, closure of abdominal wall 19. Surgical diseases of the retroperitoneum 20. Cysts and abscesses of liver, subdiaphgarmatic and subhepatic area 21. Portal hypertension 22. Liver tumours, obstructive icterus 23. Inflammatory disease of gall bladder and bile ducts. Types of operation 24. Tumours of bile ducts and papilla of Vater 25. Acute inflammatory disease of pancreas 26. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas 27. Tumours of the pancreas 28. Spleen – congenital disease, inflammation, indication for splenectomy 29. Acute abdomen – description and division 30. Peritonitis – types, diagnostics 31. Signs of peritoneal irritation – description and differential diagnosis 32. Diffuse peritonitis 33. Subjective and objective signs of acute abdomen 34. Complications of acute abdomen 35. Mistakes in diagnosis of acute abdomen 36. Acute apendicitis in adultes 37. Atypical acute apendicitis in child age, in elderly, in pregnancy 38. Complications of appendicitis 39. Pathophysiology of bowel obstruction, differential diagnosis of ileus 40. Mechanical ileus, volvulus, intussusception 41. Neurogenic ileus, vascular ileus 42. Differential diagnosis of hypogastric pain 43. Differential diagnosis of epigastric pain 44. Differential diagnosis between inflammatory acute abdomen and ileus 45. GIT bleeding, hematemesis, melena, enterorrhagia 46. Thyroid gland – inflammation and tumours 47. Goiter, classification, thyreotoxicosis 48. Thyroid and parathyroid gland – types of operations 49. Breast – inflammation and tumours. Diagnosis and treatment