Workbook: 30/11 + 12 (Match, Decide what are waiter’s and guest’s statements) 1. B 2. Work in groups: order food and drink ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR: here + book, p. 28 Kniha: 28/10, workbook: 31/17 – Choose: nominative/accusative 1. … Worbook: 30/14 1. Work in groups: ask questions according to the example. Use accusative forms. Example: Máš rád/a smažený sýr? — Ano, mám rád/a smažený sýr. × Ne, nemám ráda smažený sýr. Work in groups: ask questions according to the example. Use accusative forms. Example: Jaký čaj si dáš? Jakou kávu si dáš? Jaké pivo si dáš? — Dám si zelený čaj, černou kávu, světlé pivo. verbs: ČÍST, ČTU (to read), PÍT, PIJU (to drink): textbook, p. 29 verbs: CHTÍT, CHCI (to want), JÍST, JÍM (to eat) Workbook, p. 33/ex. 23: Choose the correct form. Workbook, 33/24: Choose the correct form. Verbs jíst, pít, mít rád: Fill in the verbs in 1st person singular. Workbook 35/32: Fil in the gaps. Use the words from the box. hw: „Mám“ expressions: book p. 31