Adobe Systems aVLCJ0181 Czech Language for Foreigners I Czech lettres & pronunciation also in textbook, p. 10; appendix, p. 206 Adobe Systems Letters. Alphabet / sounds ̶Latin Alphabet Letters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ̶Czech Letters: Consonants č ď ch ň ř š ť ž ̶Czech Letters: Vowels á é / ě í ó úů ý Adobe Systems Vowels — short § A — maminka, Masarykova univerzita, ano (yes) § E — telefon, ne (no), den (day) § I, Y — prsty (fingers), pivo (beer), byt (apartment) § O — nos (nose), oko (eye), noha (leg) § U — ucho (ear), žaludek (stomach), ruka (hand) Adobe Systems Vowels — long § Á — máma, dobrá (good), nová (new) § É — lépe (better), milé (nice), krásné (beautiful) § Í, Ý — bílý (white), moderní, dobrý, být (to be) § Ó — gól, móda, pól § Ú, Ů — dům (house), stůl (table) Adobe Systems Vowels — short × long § long vowels are about 1,75× longer § lenght is meaning-bearing § §byt (apartment) × být (to be) § bílý (white) × bily ([women] were beating [someone]) Adobe Systems Difthongs ̶OU, AU, EU ̶dobrou noc (good night), na shledanou (good-bye) ̶auto, autobus, automatická ̶euro, euthanasie Adobe Systems Consonants: hard × soft × ambiguous ̶hard: H, CH, K, R, G, D, T, N ̶soft: Ž, Š, Č, Ř, Ď, Ť, Ň; C, J ̶ambiguous: B, F, L, M, P, S, V, Z ̶ ̶distinctions hard × soft is important for some grammar rules ̶ambiguous: only in writing (on advanced levels) Adobe Systems Consonants: hard ̶H, CH, K, R, G, D, T, N § hlad (hunger), nohy (legs), hýbat se (to move) § ucho (ear), dýchat (to breathe) § koleno (knee), oko (eye), kontrolovat (to check) § ret (lip), brada (chin), trup (chest) § gynekologie, guma § tvrdý (hard), mladý (young) § týden (week), tabule (board), prst (finger) § noha (leg), nos (nose), rameno (shoulder) Adobe Systems Consonants: soft Ž, Š, Č, Ř, Ď, Ť, Ň; C, J § žebro (rib), žíla (vein), žít (to live) § slyšet (to hear), uši (ears) § močit (to urinate), čelo (forehead), česky × český (czech) §ďábel (devil) § cesta (way, trip) § já (I), jahoda (strawberry) § Adobe Systems Consonants: Ď, Ť, Ň D/T/N + Ě = [ĎE], [ŤE], [ŇE] D/T/N + I/Í = [ĎI], [ŤI], [ŇI] / [ĎÍ], [ŤÍ], [ŇÍ] ̶dítě (child), děti (children), dělat (to do) ̶něco (something), nic (nothing) § Adobe Systems Consonants: ambiguous ̶B, F, L, M, P, S, V, Z § bratr (brother) § fyzioterapie § levný (cheap) § Martin § pivo (beer) § soda §vlevo (on the left) §brzy (soon) § Adobe Systems Special pronunciation ̶bě – pě – vě [bje – pje – vje]: oběd (lunch), pět (five), věda (science) ̶mě [mnje]: město (city), měsíc (month) Adobe Systems Special pronunciation: consonant at the end ̶d → t: oběd (lunch) → [objet] ̶ď → ť: teď (now) → [teť] ̶v → f: Václav → [václaf] ̶z → s: kvíz → [kvís] ̶ž → š: když (when) → [gdiš] ̶h → ch: vrah (murderer) → [vrach] ̶g → k: song → [sonk] ̶b → p: Jakub → [jakup] Adobe Systems Pronunciation in general ̶the only way to learn to pronunciation is to use the language ̶try to speak czech as much as possible ̶try to listen to czech people, instructions on buses/trams, movies, TV series etc.