Adobe Systems aVLCJ0181 Czech Language for Foreigners I verb to be (být) how to work with this verb Adobe Systems ̶the basic dictionary form of a verb when used non-finitely what you can find in dictionaries 1 | the infinitive Adobe Systems ̶finite verb = a form of a verb that has a subject (expressed or implied) ̶ different (= conjugated) forms 2 | finite verbs jsem = I am jsi = you are je = he/she/it is jsme = we are jste = you are jsou = they are Adobe Systems simply put NE to the beginning, with ONE (!) exception* 3 | negative forms nejsem = I am not nejsi = you are not není * = he/she/it is not nejsme = we are not nejste = you are not nejsou = they are not * really, the only exception for negative form in the whole czech language Adobe Systems ̶ needed in English, not that important in czech 3 | pronouns & verbs já = I ty = you (singular, informal) on / ona / to = he/she/it is my = we vy = you (plural, or formal) oni = they Adobe Systems ̶using a pronouns = strong(er) emphasis on the subject ̶each form is different in its ending, no need to use pronouns ̶ ̶ ̶with pronouns ̶ simply: do not use them when (not) to use pronouns jsem = I am jsi = you are je = he/she/it is jsme = we are jste = you are jsou = they are já jsem = me, I am (and not David, e. g.) Adobe Systems ̶Jsem [name]. I am [name]. ̶Jsem student. I am a student. ̶Odkud jste? Where are you from? ̶Jsem z … I am from. ̶Co je to? What is it? ̶To je dobře. It/that is good. something you may already know Basic phrases with být