ACCUSATIVE CASE SINGULAR The Accusative case is the most important of all cases. It usually express an object of a sentence, while a subject is expresed by the Nominative. A subject of a sentence is a person or a thing who or which „is making an action“. For instance: MAMINKA KUPUJE MLÉKO .(Mum is buying milk.) Maminka is making an action that she is buing milk. Maminka is the subject and milk is the object. Or: ŠKOLA MÁ DVEŘE. (School has a big door.) A school is making an action that it is having a big door. Škola is the subject in the Nominative and velké dveře is the object in the Accusative. STUDUJU MEDICÍNU. (I study medicine.) Já (me) in the subject expressed by the ending of the verb –UJU. And I am making an action that I study. Medicína in the object in the accusative. NAKUPUJOU KAŽDOU SOBOTU. (They do shopping every Saturday.) Oni (they) is the subject expressed by the ending of the verb, nakupuju is the action - the verb and každou sobotu is the object in the accusative. Making of the accusative: QUESTIONS: (na) koho (at) whom The pronoun kdo changes to koho. (na) co (at) what Masculine sanimate ( people + animals) Ma: + hard or neutral cons. – A pán – pána student – studenta + soft c. + ending - tel - E muž – muže cizinec – cizince ADJECTIVES: soft adjectives have in the accusative ending - ÍHO For instance: moderní - moderního zahraniční - zahraničního hard adjectives have in the accusative endind - ÉHO For instance: velký – velkého tlustý – tlustého Masculines inanimate: Mi: ACC. = NOM. For masculines in animate forms of the accusative are the same like forms of the nominative. Feminins: F: + a – U maminka – maminku káva – kávu +e – I nemocnice – nemocnici přítelkyně – přítelkyni kolegyně – kolegyni + cons. – 0 This form stays the same as the nominative form. tramvaj - tramvaj ADJECTIVES: soft adjectives have ending–Í, like in the nominative moderní = moderní hard adjectives have ending - OU For instance: velká - velkou tlustá – tlustou Neutrals: N: ACC. = NOM. Forneutralsthereworksthesame rule likeformasculins, nominative and accusativeforms are thesame. When we use the accusative: 1. After verbs: We use the accusative case after verbs when we express the object o fthe sentence. This rule works for the most of Czech verbs, but not for all. For instance: Maminka (nom.) má dítě (acc.). A mum has a child. Kamarád (nom.) pije kávu (acc.). A friend is drinking coffee. 2. After prepositions: NA – to + an open place The preposition NA in meaning TO is used, when we move to an open place or to a surface of something. For instance: Jdu na zastávku. I´m going to a stop. Jedu na Kypr. I´m going to Cyprus. Student jde na náměstí. A student is going to a square. Tatínek dává pero (acc.) na stůl (acc.) . A dad isputting a pen to a table. In this sentence you have two accusative forms, one after verb and one after preposition. Be carefull! In all sentences listed there is expressed a movement. You MOVE to an open place. If you ARE somewhere, you must use a different case ( locative). Squares, streets and islands are opened in Czech and if you or someone goes there he must use preposition NA + acc. Big islands Anglie (England) and Irsko (Ireland) are closed. Also parks, forrests, cities, villages and the most of states are closed and use different preposition. Squares Streets are OPENED NA + acc. Islands Peninsulas OnlyfourEuropeancountries are felt as opened and theirnamesare usedwithpreposition NA. Morava, Slovensko, Ukrajina, Litva – Jedu na Moravu, na Slovensko, na Ukrajinu, na Litvu. Some public buildings (but NOT ALL!!!!!!!!) use also preposition NA even if they are closed. The most important of them are: pošta, fakulta, univerzita, nádraží (station), kolej(dormitory), diskotéka, policie(police). NA – for Preposition NA can be used also in meaning for or because of if it express a reason, why you go somewhere. For instance: Jedu na fakultu na přednášku. Fakulta is a place where you are going to and přednáška – lecture is a reason why you go there. Jedu na Slovensko na výlet. Again – Slovensko is a place and výlet – trip is a reason why you go there. We use the preposition NA + acc. Also for expressing „ a function“ of a thing: pasta na zuby a tooth paste (a paste for teeth) prášek na praní a washingpowder ( powder for washing) časopis na čtení ( a magazine for reading) voda na pití (watter for drinking) NA can also express for how long you want to go somewhere. For instance: Jedu na měsíc na návštěvu. I am going to visit for a month. To auto mám jenom na hodinu. I have this car only for an hour. ZA – in, after (+ time) The second preposition taking the accusative is ZA. It can be used in a time meaning. For instance: Za týden jedeme domů. We are going home in a week (after a week). ZA – for (+ a price) Za can also mean for when we want to express a price of something. For instance: Auto (nom.) za milion (acc.). Taška (nom.) za dvě koruny(acc.). PRO – for Preposition PRO express that something is for ( is given to) a person or for something what works as a person. For instance: Dárek pro maminku. (A present for a mum). Květina pro přítelkyni. ( A flower for a girlfriend). To je pro vás. (That is for you.) Also if you go FOR something and you want to take it with you (and bring it home, for instance), you use preposition PRO: Jdu do obchodu pro mléko. I´m going to a shop for milk. Jdu do hospody pro pivo.I´m going to a pub for beer. And now it means, that you want to bring bottles of beer home. Because i fyou say: Jdu do hospody na pivo, It means that you want to drink your beer in a pub. The same situation is: Jdu do obchodu pro kávu.I´m going to a shop for coffee – and I will take it home. Jdu do kavárny na kávu.I´m going to cofee shop for coffee – and I will drink it there. We have more prepositions taking the accusative, but you can realise more about them in the video Prepositions. ACCUSATIVE CASE PLURAL All masculines inanimate, feminins and neutrals have in plural the same forms for theaccusative case and the nominative case. Only masculines animate have different forms: Ma + hard, neutralcons. – Y pán (nom. sg.) – páni (nom. pl.) – pány( profesor (nom. sg.) – profesoři (nom. pl.) – profesory( Ma + soft cons., - tel – E cizinec – cizinci – cizince učitel – učitelé – učitele ADJECTIVES: hard – É bílý(nom. sg.) – bílé(acc. pl.) velký (nom. sg.) – velké (acc. pl.) soft – ACC. = NOM. inteligentní mladší starší