Warm up: Pracujte ve skupině. Odeberte rodinnou a osobní anamnézu. 1 student = pacient; ostatní (others) = studenti Get all the possible information on family and personal history (answers can be fictitious) Follow the structure. A | Personal data 1 | First and last name: 2 | Date of birth: 3 | Adress: 4 | Occupation: 5 | Family status: B | Family history 6 | Father: age/year of death 7 | Father: Health condition/reason of death 8 | Mother: age/death 9 | Mother: Health condition/reason of death 10 | Grandparents and their health condition / age / reason of death 11 | Diseases in family 12 | Siblings: number, age, gender 13 | Siblings: Health condition/reason of death 14 | Children: number, age, gender 15 | Children: Health condition C | Personal history 16 | Diseases in childhood 17 | Serious diseases 18 | Operations 19 | Injuries 20 | Abusus 21 | Pharmaceuticals 22 | Allergies D | Personal history (women only) 23 | Menstruation 24 | Menopause 25 | Births 26 | Hospitalisations 27 | Bleeding/transfusions; Revision (Verbs with the preposition S/SE and the instrumental): WB 70/17, 18 Read the dialogues 1-3 (TM page 128), complete the exercises 1 and 2 (Handout, Week 3). - done last week 😊 Practice doctor's questions: TM 131/1 Fill in the form: TM 133/4 Listening comprehension: Listen to the story of Mr. Bílý (CD1/51: link) Listen to case history and answer the questions (CD1/52: link)