Pandemic measures · Room capacity is limited to 9 students and 1 teacher. · Windows will be open during the test – warm clothes recommended. · Face masks must be worn all the time inside MUNI buildings. · Students must disinfect their hands before entering the classroom. · Students can sit only where the test is. · Students with symptoms of infectious viral infections (shortness of breath, fever, dry cough, sudden loss of taste and smell) are prohibited from entering the test. Before the test · enter the room one by one · find a seat · do not talk to anyone · place your ISIC on the desk During the test · open the test when the teacher tells you, not before · the teacher will explain you the test structure; if you have any question about it, ask them at this moment – no questions possible during the test · the listening will be played two times · use a pen, not a pencil · when you finish, leave the test on your desk, and leave the room · test duration is 45 minutes including the explanation; you will be notified 5 minutes before the test ends What is forbidden during the test · talking to your colleagues · asking questions about the test (you can do it after the explanation) · leaving the room (you can leave when you are done with your test) · copying or photographing the test or its part · using any electronical devices, such as phones, smartwatch, smart glasses etc. – not even to check a time (there is a clock in each classroom, you will be informed about the time when the test ends) · using any form of help, local (such as vocabulary lists, grammar notes etc.) or distant (“friend on the phone”) Not following the pandemic measures or credit test rules results into disqualification from the test and F-evalution.