Lesson 14 - Pharmacology of sex hormones
Getting ready for the lesson
1. Lecture
Dear students, you will find a link to the lecture stored in the IS materials. The lecture is in video format and also in pdf format suitable for download.
Let´s go through the lecture and make it clear that before the exercise you know the answer to these questions before the exercise:
- How can we pharmacologically intervene in the gonadotropic hypothalami-pituitary axis?
- Name the mechanisms of action of these drugs
- What are the pharmacotherapeutic goals? What do we expect?
- What are the indications?
- What are the expected side effects of these drugs?
2. Overview of drugs affecting the gonadotropic hypothalamic-pituitary axis
3. Overview of hormonal contraception
4. Overview of hormonal replacement therapy
5. Material for self-study: TOCOLYTICS and UTEROTONICS
- Rang&Dale´s Pharmacology, chapter: The Reproductive System - The Uterus
Oxytocin and its derivatives - agonists at the oxytocin receptor
- oxytocin
- carbetocin
Synthetic prostaglandins (prostanoids and their derivatives)
- dinoprost, carboprost - agonists on prostaglandin rcp. F2α
- dinoprostone - an agonist on prostaglandin rcp. E2
Ergot alkaloids - stimulation of adrenergic α1 rcp. and inhibition of serotonin 5-HT1D rcp.
- methylergometrine (also called methylergonovine)
β2 agonists
- hexoprenaline, terbutaline
Competitive oxytocin antagonist
- atosiban
Ca2+ channel blockers - more about them – in topics: Drugs of the cardiovascular system
- nifedipine, nitrendipine
6. Pre-class testing
You can test your readiness for the lesson 14 in the ROPOT:
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