Lesson 14 - Pharmacology of sex hormones

Getting ready for the lesson

1. Lecture

Dear students, you will find a link to the lecture stored in the IS materials. The lecture is in video format and also in pdf format suitable for download.

Let´s go through the lecture  and make it clear that before the exercise you know the answer to these  questions  before the exercise:

  1. How can we pharmacologically intervene in the gonadotropic hypothalami-pituitary axis? 
  2. Name the mechanisms  of action of these drugs 
  3. What are the pharmacotherapeutic goals? What do we expect?
  4. What are the indications?
  5. What are the expected side effects of these drugs? 

2. Overview of drugs affecting the gonadotropic hypothalamic-pituitary axis

3. Overview of hormonal contraception

4. Overview of hormonal replacement therapy

5. Material for self-study:  TOCOLYTICS and UTEROTONICS


  • Rang&Dale´s Pharmacology, chapter: The Reproductive System - The Uterus



Oxytocin and its derivatives - agonists at the oxytocin receptor

  •   oxytocin
  •   carbetocin

Synthetic prostaglandins (prostanoids and their derivatives)

  •   dinoprost, carboprost - agonists on prostaglandin rcp. F2α
  •   dinoprostone - an agonist on prostaglandin rcp. E2

Ergot alkaloids - stimulation of adrenergic α1 rcp. and inhibition of serotonin 5-HT1D rcp.

  •   methylergometrine (also called methylergonovine)


β2 agonists

  •   hexoprenaline, terbutaline

Competitive oxytocin antagonist

  •   atosiban

Ca2+ channel blockers - more about them – in topics: Drugs of the cardiovascular system

  •   nifedipine, nitrendipine


6. Pre-class testing

You can test your readiness for the lesson 14 in the ROPOT: 

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