(XX.) Pneumotachography: estimation of airway resistance Physiology I - practical Physiology department LF MU, 2015 © Michal Pásek Pneumotachography is a method enabling estimation of airways resistance. It measures pressure difference between two ends of tube through which the examined person breathes. Increased value of airways resistance indicates obstruction of the airways. Volume flow (Q) in rigid tube equals directly to pressure gradient between beginning and end of the tube (DP=PA-PB), the fourth power of its radius (r) and indirectly to its length (l) and viscosity of the fluid (h) p · DP · r4 Q = 8 · l · h PA PB l r Poiseuille - Hagen law R is tube resistance against to gas flow = DP R Resistance of airways Resistance of airways (Rd) results from inner friction between flowing gas and airways wall. p · rd4 Rd = 8 · l · h DP Q = Small change of airways radius (rd) causes substantially bigger change of airways resistance to air flow (Rd). Airways obstruction may be caused by chest compression, mucosal swelling, or smooth muscles constriction in airways. Principle of pneumotachograph DPp= Pp - Patm DPalv= Palv - Patm exp. insp. ΔPalv ΔPp ΔPatm Q Calculation of airways resistance DPp= Pp - Patm DPalv= Palv - Patm Q = Q = Pp-Patm Palv-Pp Rp Rd 1 DPalv [ DPp Rd = Rp· ] Rd Rp Pictures: •Slide 5, 6 – Physiology and Neuroscience Practicals, Masaryk university 2013 • • •