Endocrine system 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hypophysis – pituitary gland Podvěsek mozkový, hypofýza (hypohysis cerebri) Barvení HE 1zadní lalok hypofýzy (neurohypofýza) 2přední lalok hypofýzy (adenohypofýza) 3infundibulum 4pars intermedia 5pars distalis 6pars tuberalis 7folikuly (Rathkeho cysty) Pituitary gland (hypohysis cerebri) HE staining 1posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis) 2anterior pituitary gland (adenohypophysis) 2infundibulum 4pars intermedia (Rathke’s cleft) 5pars distalis 6pars tuberalis 7follicles (Rathke’s cysts) 1 2 3 4 Anterior hypophysis – adenohypohysis Přední lalok hypofýzy (adenohypofýza) Barvení HE 1acidofilní buňky 2bazofilní buňky 3chromofobní buňky 4fenestrované kapiláry Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) HE staining 1acidophil cells 2basophil cells 3chromophobe cells 4fenestrated capillaries 1 2 3 Posterior hypophysis – neurohypohysis Zadní lalok hypofýzy (neurohypofýza) Barvení HE 1pituicty 2nemyelinizovaná nervová vlákna 3kapiláry Posterior lobe of hypophysis (neurohypophysis) 1pituicytes 2non-myelinated nerve fibers 3capillaries Embryonic development of pituitary gl. •Ectoderm (Rathke’s pouch) •Neuroectoderm of ventral wall of diencephalon HypDevAni 1 2 Pineal body (epiphysis cerebri) Epifýza (corpus pineale) Barvení HE 1trámce pinealocytů 2acervulus cerebri Pineal gland (corpus pineale) HE Staining 1trabecules of pinealocytes 2acervulus cerebri Embryonic development of epiphysis •thickening of caudal part of ependyma that does not contribute to development of choroid plexus at the roof of diencephalon •neuroectoderm - 1 Thyroid gland (gl. thyroidea) Štítná žláza (glandula thyroidea) Barvení HE 1folikuly s koloidem Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea) HE staining 1follicles with colloid 1 2 3 4 Thyroid gland (gl. thyroidea) Štítná žláza (glandula thyroidea) Barvení HE 1folikulární buňky 2kapilára 3koloid 4C-buňky Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea) HE staining 1follicular cells 2capillaries 3colloid 4C-cells Thyroid development embryoHeadImage5 •endodermal proliferation of pharyngeal floor between tuberculum impar and copula • •obliterating ductus thyreoglossus •foramen caecum • •bilobed diverticulum •lobus pyramidalis • •C-cells -neural crest origin -ultimobranchial body of 5th pharyngeal pouch • 1 2 3 4 5 Parathyroid gland (gl. parathyreoidea) Příštítná žláza (glandula parathyroidea) Barvení HE 1vazivový obal 2septa 3hlavní buňky 4oxyfilní buňky 5adipocyty Parathyroid gland (glandula parathyroidea) HE staining 1capsule 2septs 3chief cells 4oxyphylic cells 5adipocytes 1 2 3 Parathyroid gland (gl. parathyreoidea) Příštítná žláza (glandula parathyroidea) Barvení HE 1hlavní buňky 2oxyfilní buňky 3adipocyty Parathyroid gland (glandula parathyroidea) HE staining 1chief cells 2oxyphylic cells 3adipocytes •glandulae parathyroideae superiores from endoderm of 4th pharyngeal pouch •glandulae parathyroideae inferiores from dorsal process of 3th pharyngeal pouch -together with thymus descend to lower poles of thyroid • Embryonic development of parathyroid gland http://www.cambridgequestions.co.uk/diagrams/Development%20-%20Pharyngeal%20arches.png 1 2 3 4 Suprarenal gland (gl. suprarenalis) Nadledvina (glandula surparenalis) Barvení HE 1vazivový obal 2kůra 3dřeň 4dřeňové vény Suprarenal gland (glandula surparenalis) HE staining 1capsule 2cortex 3medulla 4medullary veins 1 2 3 4 Suprarenal gland (gl. suprarenalis) Kůra nadledviny (glandula surparenalis, cortex) Barvení HE 1vazivový obal 2zona glomerulosa 3zona fasciculata 4zona reticularis Cortex of suprarenal gland (glandula surparenalis, cortex) HE staining 1capsule 2zona glomerulosa 3zona fasciculata 4zona reticularis 1 2 3 4 Suprarenal gland (gl. suprarenalis) Dřeň a část kůry nadledviny (glandula surparenalis) Barvení HE 1dřeň 2zona reticularis kůry 3chromaffiní buňky 4kapiláry Medulla nd part of cortex of suprarenal gland (glandula surparenalis) HE staining 1medulla 2zona reticularis of cortex 3chromaffine cells 4capillaries https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/images/d/df/Week10_adrenal.jpg Cortex -mesoderm -mesothelium, coelomic epithelium •primitive fetal cortex 5-6th week -fetoplacental unit •definitive cortex -zona reticularis fully differentiates within 3 years - Medulla •neural crest - Embryonic development of suprarenal gland Langerhans islets 1 2 3 Detail Langerhansova ostrůvku v pankreatickém parenchymu) Barvení HE 1vazivový obal 2trámce žlázových buněk 3kapiláry Detail of Islet of Langerhans in pancreatic parenchyma HE staining 1c.t. capsule 2trabecules of epithelial cells 3capillaries List of slides •52. Hypophysis cerebri •53. Epiphysis •54. Glandula thyreoidea •55. Glandula parathyroidea •56. Corpus suprarenale •23. Pancreas – islets of Langerhans