1. Draw and describe the scheme of the wall of the alimentary canal. Provide both the Latin and English names. 2. Explain the terms areae gastricae, foveolae gastricae a glandulae gastricae propriae. Draw these structures into a brief scheme of stomach wall. 3. Explain the structure and function of the Brunner’s glands. Where are they located? 4. Describe the structural differences between a fold (plica), villus and microvillus. 5. Explain the term „crypt of Lieberkühn“. 6. Describe the enteric nerve system, including localization of nerve plexuses in the intestinal wall. 7. What is the structural difference of the wall between small and large intestine? 8. What are the principal regions of the primitive gut? What is the vascularization of these regions? 9. Explain the term „physiological umbilical hernia“. [DEL: :DEL] Slides: 11. Oesophagus (HE) 12. Cardia(HE) 13. Fundus ventriculi(HE) 14. Pylorus (HE) 15. Duodenum (HE) 16. Intestinum tenue (HE) 17. Intestinum crassum (HE) 18. Appendix (HE) 19. Anus(HE) EM-atlas: Intestinal epithelium (62) Goblet cell in epithelium of intestinal mucosa (63) Bottom of crypt of Lieberkühn (64)