DEPARTMENT OF HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY «¥ FACULTY OF MEDICINE - MASARYK UNIVERSITY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 2 > General structure of the digestive tract > Oesophagus > Stomach > Small and large intestine Common structure of the wall of GIT tube • The tunica mucosa - epithelial lining - lamina propria /loose connect, tissue/ - lamina muscularis mucosae • Tela submucosa /loose connect, tissue + Meissner's nerve plexus/ • The tunica muscularis externa - circular • myenteric nerve plexus (Auerbach) - longitudinal muscle • The tunica serosa or adventitia /loose connect, tissue -/+mesothelium/ Oesophagus, (HE), objektiv 2,5* 'S '9 •"'#> Cardia (HE) - epithelial change - cardiac glands - branched tubular mucous glands Gastric glands • Gil, cardiacae - branched tubular mucous glands • GIL qastricae propriae (fundic glands) -2-4 open into one gastric pit - simple tubular - isthmus, neck, body and base • chief c. /zymogenic/ - pepsinogen, lipase • parietal (oxyntic) c. /HCIJntrinsic factor"/ • mucous neck cells (acidic mucus) • precursor (undifferentiated) cells • enteroendocrine cells • GIL pyloricae - branched tubular mucous glands Fundus ventriculi (HE) 2,5x Fundus ventriculi (HE) - gastric glands, 10x Chief cells Parietal cells Simple columnar epithelium Lamina propria Muscularis mucosae foveola gastrica Fundus ventriuculi - gastric glands (HE), 20x Pylorus (HE), 10x_ Small intestine - Intestinal villus - Crypt of Lieberkhun Brush bordor Nervo fibre Capillary Intestinal gland (crypt) N Duodenum Small intestine (HE), 2,5x Plicae circulares (Kerckring's) Tunica musosa Tela submucosa Tunica muscularis externa Tunica serosa Intestinum crassum, (HE), objektiv 2,5* columnar epithelium Sl'* * 3? ' ö»f v Sil \ V VWTi t e I a submucosa ■ Lamina propria Lymphoid nodule Crypts of Lieberkühn (intestinal glands) Lamina muscularis mucosae 20 pni , 07^ - A Appendix - přehled, (HEŠ), objektiv 2,5* Mi Lymphoid nndulp_ Crypt of Lieberkühn tunica mucosa tela submucosa tunica muscularis externa tunica serosa Digestive system II Slides: 11. Oesophagus (HE) 12. Cardia(HE) 13. Fundus ventriculi(HE) 14. Pylorus (HE) 15. Duodenum (HE) 16. Small intestine (HE) 17. Large intestine (HE) 18. Appendix (HE) (19. Anus (HE)) Intestinal epithelium (62) Goblet cell in epithelium of intestinal mucosa (63) Bottom of crypt of Lieberkuhn (64) Primitive gut - embryo, day 26 aorta. heart aortic arches a.omphalomesenterica primitive gut allantois arteria umbilicalis laryngotracheal diverticle d. omphalomesentericus midgut hindgut foregut Development of the stomach Rotation around longitudinal axis: - left side —> ventrally, - right side —> dorsally. I f I: I I Longitudinal rotation axis ■Stomach Uneven growth of ventral and dorsal wall: - curvatura minor (to the right), - curvatura major (to the left). Rotation around sagital axis : - curvatura minor (cranial position), - curvatura major (caudal position). Lesser curvature Duodenum Greater curvature Omental bursa Mesenterium dorsale Mesogastrium dorsale = omentum majus Mesoduodenum dorsale Mesenterium dorsale Mesocolon dorsale Duodenal loop and umbilical loop \ foregut midgut \ Cephalic limb of prim, intestinal loop Vitelline duct A Stomach Duodenum Sup. mesenteric artery Caudal limb of prim, intestinal loop Flexura duodenojejunalis Transverse colon Umbilical loop herniates into the umbilical cord (physiologic herniation, in week 6-10) a. a. iO Copyright ©2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. In the umbilical cord, the midgut loop rotates 90° counter-clockwise around the axis of the superior mesenteric artery. Upon returning, the gut undergoes another 180° counter-clockwise rotation, placing the cecum and appendix near the right lobe of the liver. The total rotation of the gut is 270°. Development of intestines