DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 3 ➢ Big salivary glands parotid gland submandibular gl. sublingual gl. ➢ Liver ➢ Gallbladder ➢ Pancreas Salivary glands - schema secretory portion serous acini mucous tubules mixed /serous demilunes of Gianuzzi/ + myoepithelial cells duct system intercalated ducts intralobular /striated/ ducts interlobular and interlobar ducts main excretory duct Glandular parenchyma Secretory portion of salivary glands • serous acini • mucous tubules • mixed (serous demilunes of Gianuzzi) Parotid gland Compound acinar serous gl. ducts – intercaleted,striated, interlobular, excretory ducts Adipose tissue serous acini adipose cell striated duct Submandibular gland Compound tubuloacinar mixed gl. Submandibular gland Serous demilune Serous acini Mucous tubules Sublingual gland Compound tubuloacinar mixed gl. Classic liver lobule • Shape – polygonal ( polyhedral ) • Central vein • Hepatocytes in interconnected plates • Liver sinusoids • Bile canaliculus 2D cross section 3D 1 – 2 mm Portal space Classic liver lobule Central vein trias hepatis /Glissonova triáda/ Central vein Liver sinusoid Liver plates Játra – portální triáda Bile duct Portal vein Hepatic artery Žlučník /vesica fellea/ Liver parenchyme Adventitia Folds of mucosa Mucous coat T. muscularis externa Serous layer Gallbladder with mucus Vesica fellea – slizniční řasy simple columnar epithelium lamina propria mucosae Pancreas - HE, 10x Interlobular duct Serous acinus Septum Islets of Langerhans Pancreas – serous acinus, HE , 10x Acinus Centroacinar cells Acinar cells Pancreas, He, 10x Intercalated duct Acinar cells Pancreas, HE, 40x Sinusoids Islets of Langerhans 3. Digestive system - III Slides: 8. Glandula parotis (HE) 9. Glandula submandibularis (HE) 10. Glandula sublingualis (HE) 20. Hepar (HE) 21. Hepar (AZAN) 22. Vesica fellea (HE) 23. Pancreas (HE) Atlas EM: Bile canaliculus 9 Hepar – Kupffer cells 67 Pancreas – Islets of Langerhans 66 Development of pancreas 85 duodenal loop is formed liver Pancreas – passes into dorsal mesoduodenum and mesogastrium by proliferation of endoderm of duodenal loop; During rotation of stomach and duodenum – duodenum + pancreas are situated retroperitoneally Lien – arises by proliferation of mesoderm cells in dorsal mesogastrium, which is transformed into lig. gastrolienalis and lig. lienorenalis. Spleen is intraperitoneal organ, its surface is covered by mesothelium. The diaphragm originates from: 1. septum transversum (mesoderm mass) 2. plicae pleuroperitoneales 3. mesooesophageum dorsale 4. dorsolateral wall of the body Development of diaphragm Week 5 month 4