Questions - practice Urinary system 1. Draw and describe a simple diagram of the corpusculum renis. Where does it occur exclusively in the kidney? 2. What is it, where does it occur in the kidney and what is the significance of macula densa? 3. What 3 sections does the renal canal (tubulus renis) consist of? What cellular treatment are the epithelial cells of some channels equipped for resorption and what for the transport of water and ions? 4. What is the basic functional unit of the kidney called and give the number of units in one kidney? 5. Which structures participate in the construction of the glomerular filtration membrane? How much primary urine is produced in 24 hours? 6. Juxtaglomerular apparatus - what is it made of, where is it located and what is its function? 7. Describe the epithelium (urothelium) in the bladder; where else besides it does it still occur? 8. What sections does the male urethra consist of after passing through the bladder wall; what epithelium covers the mucosa in individual sections of the urethra? Slides: 30. Ren (HE) 31. Ren (Weigert - van Gieson) 32. Calyx renalis (HE) 33. Ureter (HE) 34. Vesica urinaria (HE) 35. Urethra feminina (HE) 41. Penis - pars spongiosa urethrae masculinae (HE) Atlas EM: brush border (26) basal labyrinth (27) glomerular filtration barrier (57)