Digestive system 1 ➢ Oral cavity: • Lips • Tongue • Palate – soft - hard ➢ Tooth • The tunica mucosa – epithelial lining – lamina propria /loose connect. tissue/ – lamina muscularis mucosae • The submucosa (tela submucosa) /loose connect. tissue + Meissner´s nerve plexus/ • The tunica muscularis externa – circular • myenteric nerve plexus – longitudinal smooth muscle • The tunica serosa or adventitia /loose connect. tissue -/+mesothelium/ Common structure of the wall of GIT tube The oral cavity (the tunica mucosa) The epithelium nonkeratinized stratified squamous ep. Lamina propria loose connective tissue The muscularis mucosae is missing!!! Lam. propria → the submucosa (loose connect. tissue) / periost / muscle 3 functional regions of oral mucosa: • covering - lined with submucosa (lips, cheeks, soft palate, fac. mylohyoidea of the tongue) • masticatory – submucosa is missing, mucosa firmly attached to the periost of the bone, so called mucoperiost (gingiva and hard palate) • specialized – forms papillae (dorsum linguae) Labium oris External surface - skin Mucous membrane Transitional zone (vermilion) hair follicles m. orbicularis oris gll.labiales Lips (labia) ◼The epithelium is somewhat thicker than in other parts of the facial skin. ◼C.t. papilla extend deep into the epithelium and are heavily vascularized. It is the proximity of these vessels to the surface of the epithelium which gives the prolabium it's red appearance (+ presence of protein eleidin). eleidin inner surface stratified squamous epithelium lamina propria Apex linguae dorsum linguae facies mylohyoidea gl. apicis linguae - Blandini Tongue - dorsal surface The mucosa – filiform, fungiform, circumvallatae, foliatae pap. (the submucosa is missing! ) aponeurosis linguae - inferior surface (mylohyoidea) The mucosa – without specific papillae the submucosa! -papillae = elevations of the oral epithelium and lamina propria slizničního vaziva krytý epitelem jazyka skeletal muscle fibers Apex linguae gl. apicis linguae - Blandini facies mylohyoidea lamina propria tela submucosa Circumvallatae papillae The epithelial linning – strat.squam.ep. + taste buds Lamina propria – loose connect. tissue +serous (von Ebner) glandsdrain into deep grooves primary papilla secondary papillae gll. gustatoriae (Ebneri) Papilla circumvallata (HE) groove gland duct taste bud Taste bud Circular groove Soft palate Nasal surface Oral surface aponeurosis palatinaskeletal muscle+connect. tissue Mucous glands - gll. palatinae, Mixed gl. - gll.nasales - ciliated pseudostratif. columnar ep.(metaplasia) - gll. nasales (mixed gl.) stratified squam. ep. duct Nasal surface basement membrane ? Oral surface -stratified squamous epithelium duct basement membrane ? gll. palatinae (MUCOUS gl.) Anatomy Corona dentis (crown) Collum (neck) Radix (root) Cavum et canalis radicis dentis (pulp cavity) Pulpa dentis Apex radicis dentis + foramen apicis radicis dentis (apical foramen) Alveoli Periodontal ligament (membrane) dense connective tissue fibers Tooth (dens) Deciduous (baby) teeth- 20 Permanent teeth – 28-32 radix (root) Tooth cementum enamel!!!! dentin dentinal tubules with odontoblast processes ROOT ---------------------------------------------------CROWN Tooth – (HE) 5x odontoblasts Dentinal tubules with odontoblast processes Enamel is missing!!! predentin – unmineralized dentin with nerve fibers pulp with odontoblasts D E N T I N C E M E N T U M B O N E P E R I D O N T I U M Periodontal ligament – dense connective tissue Alveolar bone – woven bone Gingiva connective tissue papillae+stratif.squamous ep. Epithelial attachment of Gottlieb Gingiva libera Gingiva affixa Epithelial attachment of Gottlieb = epith. of gingiva is bound to the tooth enamel Sulcus gingivalis GINGIVA - Stratified squamous epith. - Connective tissue papillae NO!!! Tunica submucosa 1. Digestive system – I Slides : 1. Labium oris (HE) 2. Apex linguae (HE) 3. Papilla circumvallata (HE) 5. Palatum molle (HE) 7. Tooth (HE) Atlas: Development of face (87) Pharyngeal (branchial) apparatus. Development of tongue (88) Development of the face, stomodeum and cervical region – embryo, day 24 stomodeum brain pharyngeal membrane perikardiac cavity forgut chorda dorsalis proc. frontonasalis proc. maxillaris proc. mandibularis stomodeum cardiac bulge A – sagital section B – frontal view Rathke‘s pouch body ectoderm Development of the face, stomodeum and cervical region – embryo, day 28 pharyngeal membrane (perforated) Rathke‘s pouch chorda dorsalis 1st– 4th endodermal pouch proc. frontalis proc. nasalis med. + lat. nasal placode proc. maxillaris proc. mandibularis 2nd and 3rd branchial arch pharynx Development of the face – embryo , end of week 5 nasal placode Development of pharyngeal (branchial) apparatus – embryo, week 6 pharyngeal (branchial) arches eminentia hypobranchialis oesophagus ectomesenchyme endoderm ectoderm nerve base of visceral muscles cartilage aortic arch (branchial artery) sensitive and motor branches of nerve development of tongue Development of tongue sulcus terminalis laryngotracheal diverticle (development of respiratory system) thyroid gland eminentia hypobranchialis epiglotic swelling arytenoid swelling ectodermal lining endodermal lining ECTODERMAL CLEFTS and ENDODERMAL POUCHES – embryo, week 5 pharyngeal arches 1-4 meatus acusticus ext. (cleft 1) sinus cervicalis (clefts 2, 3, 4) cavum tympani, tuba auditiva (Eustachii) sinus (fossa) tonsillaris gl. parathyreoidea inf. thymus gl. parathyreoidea sup. ultimobranchial corpuscle 1. membrana obturans  membrana tympani Descensus of thyroid gland and thymus with gll. parathyreoideae inf. – embryo, week 6 tongue (k), foramen caecum (i), ductus thyreoglossus (h), gl. thyreoidea(ch), thymus (e), gll. parathyreoideae inf. (d), gll. parathyreoideae sup.(f), ultimobranchial corpuscle (g) Development of palate – embryo, A – week 7, B – week 8, C – week 10 sensory epithelium septum nasi nasal cavity palatine processes tongue oral cavity palatine processes fusion tongue Development of the oral cavity and teeth – embryo, week 6 upper lip lower lip ectoderm cartilago Meckeli dental lamina + tooth bud dental lamina + tooth cap base of tonguevestibular band organ of enamel dental papilla permanent tooth deciduous tooth labium vestibulum dentogingival lamina primary dental lamina Week 6 – primary dental lamina Week 7-8 – 10 tooth buds (primordia) mandibula or maxilla labial lamina dentogingival lamina deciduous dentition permanent dentition primary dental lamina 1. stage of dental bud (primordium) 2. stage of dental cap 3. stage of dental bell 4. stage of apposition 5. stage of eruption Developmental stages of tooth 1 2 3 54