Questions – Lymphatic system 1. How many lymph nodes can be found in a human body? Which cells constitute the structural compartment of the lymph node and what type of fibers they produce? How are the immune cells in lymph nodes organized? 2. What is a special feature of the post capillary venules in lymph nodes? 3. Which cells constitute the structural core of the spleen and which fibers they produce? 4. Name structures, which constitute the white pulp of the spleen. Name structures, which constitute the red pulp of the spleen. 5. Describe the two types of blood circulation in the red pulp. 6. Name tonsils and specify the type of the epithelium covering each of them. 7. Which gland is associated with t. lingualis? What is its structure? 8. How is the parenchyma of the thymus organized? What type of cells constitute the structure of the thymus? 9. What are Hassall corpuscles and where they can be found? 10. What is the principle of T-cell selection in thymus?