1. Which epithelium covers the vestubulum nasi? Which glands can be found in the mucosa of the nasal cavity? Describe the function of the conchae nasi and name the epithelium which covers them. 2. Which type of neurones are, according to their morphology and origin, olfactory neurones? Which glands can be found in the lamina propria of the olfactory mucosa? What type of secretion do they produce? 3. Which type of muscle tissue constitutes the vocal muscle? Which epithelium covers the plica vocalis? Which type of glands can be found in the lamina propria and the submucosa of the trachea? 4. Name all the parts of the bronchial tree using latin based terminology. Describe the term “bronchiopulmonary segment” and clarify its clinical relevance. 5. Name the unit of the lungs which is ventilated by a single bronchiole. What is the diameter of a bronchiole? What is the function of club (exocrine bronchiolar cells) cells and where are they located? 6. Which part of the airways is the first to carry the gas exchange function? How many alveoli can be found in fully developed lunges? At what age do the lungs reach this stage? 7. Name the components of the blood-air barrier. What are lamellar bodies? In which cells can they be found? 8. What is the function of the pulmonary surfactant? During which week of foetal development does the production of the surfactant starts? 9. Describe the function of dust cells. What is the origin of these cells and to which system do they belong? 10. Which tissue does constitute pleura? Slides: 24-28. EM atlas: 23, 60, 61, 83