ECG in myocardial infarction and ischemia Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)  Generally, the term „infarction“ can be used for any local acute ischemia with necrosis, irrespectively of affected organ  However, myocardial and cerebral infarction most usually lead to death or invalidity  Myocardial infarction is the most common life threatening complication of coronary atherosclerosis  In most cases, its cause is a rupture of unstable atherosclerotic plaque with subsequent thrombosis  Rare causes: thrombembolism, coronary artery dissection, acute overload of ischemized myocardium  The ischemia leads to decrease of ATP and subsequent overload of cardiomyocyte by Ca2+, local lactacidosis, permanent depolarization  Cell death: myocardial necrosis, apoptosis in prolonged ischemia, autophagy is rather protective  Compared to AMI, causes of cerebral stroke are much more heterogenous, atherosclerosis is often not required (thrombosis, thrombembolism, hemorrhage…) AMIs and strokes during the day  Higher incidence of cerebral and myocardial infarctions in the morning is caused with higher activity of sympathetic nervous system and higher blood pressure in morning hours  An important exception are the patients with sleep apnea syndrome Changes of ST segment during myocardial infarction Changes of ST segment 2  ST elevations or depressions during AMI are caused mainly by a shift of isoelectric line, not ST segment  During diastole, an ischemic focus generates electric currents  Depending on its prevailing direction, we can observe elevations (transmural AMI) or depressions (non-transmural AMI) of ST segment – in fact, there is a shift of isoelectric line in opposite direction  The differences in the plateau phase and repolarization lead into different shape of ST segment Upsloping, horizontal and downsloping ST segment depressions  Subendocardial ischemia horizontal or downsloping depressions of ST segment  Downsloping depressions occur also e.g. in bundle branch blocks (phase of plateau is different for each part of the ventricle) or digoxin intoxication  On the other hand, mild (0.1 – 0.2 mV) upsloping ST depressions occur frequently in healthy heart during exercise ST elevations A – concave (often in the hypertrophy of LV) B – straight C – convex acute transmural myocardial infarction J-point ECG changes during Q-MI  A. initial physiological state  B. superacute phase  Tall positive T waves (minutes)  C. acute phase  ST elevation = Pardee‘s waves (tens of minutes to hours) - STEMI  D. subacute phase  Normalization of ST segment  E. Q-wave devolopment (hours to days), event. T – inversion (persists weeks)  F. ECG after Q-MI  persistence of Q Pathologic Q • During several hours after transmural MI, pathologic Q develops • Pathologic Q corresponds to depolarization of opposing cardiac wall, observed through electrically dead tissue – a scar • Its depth is > ¼ R (or R is not present at all – QS wave) and its duration is at least 40 ms) • It usually persists lifelong (except certain cases of stunned myocardium) Clinical case  59 years old man with acute chest pain, because of ST elevations, coronary arteriography was performed within 1 hour after onset  LAD occlusion was detected and recanalization was performed  The finding at coronary arteriography well corresponds with the diagnosis of anterior wall STEMI, based on ECG findings