Čeština pro cizince III

Týden 4: PROGRESS TEST 1. LESSON 10/2. Pozvání na návštěvu. L 11/1 Conversation: Travelling. Grammar: Long and short verbs of motion. Medical Czech: Symptoms of diseases (L4).

1) Progress Test 1

Class activities

2) class book p. 86 + 87

  • Reading comprehension, task 2.
  • Listening comprehension, tasks 6 + 8

3) class book p. 89 U 11 - reading, task 4

  • grammar p. 90 - table 
  • practice p. 90/ 7 + 8

4) TM U 7 - useful phrases

Domácí úkol

  • practice verbs of motion long and short: work book p. 125/10


study vocabulary + useful phrases TM U4 p. 31 - 33