Adobe Systems ORGAN DONATION Miloš Chobola Intensive Care Medicine Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1c) Educational outcome : §identify potential organ donor § §understand what si the definition of neurological death § §understand what are the prerequisites before testing § §know what tests are used to confirm neurological death § § § § Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Introduction : §Organ transplantation is a recognised treatment for end organ damage § It is an altruistic act of beneficence resulting in the gift of life §transplantation is life-enhancing for pancreatic and renal diseases §transplantation is life- saving for end stage heart, lung and liver diseases ̶ Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Donor identification : §Defined clinical trigger factors in patients who have had a catastrophic brain injury. §The absence of one or more cranial nerve reflexes and a Glasgow Coma Score of 5 or less, which is not explained by confounders. § §GIVE score §AE, ICU, neurology/stroke units Adobe Systems Donor identification : §A consistent clinical indicator used for the early identification of potential organ and tissue donors ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ Curran Emer, 2020, Irish Organ Donation Handbook app, version 5.10, MEG Software Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Criteria for organ donation : §the process of organ donation places a huge importance on the balance of risk and benefit to the recipient § §potential organ donor (family) /potential organ recipient §primary team /ICU / neurology/ surgeons/ organ donation coordinator....... § §suboptimal transplant outcomes :graft dysfunction , disease transmission, recipientś death Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Criteria for organ donation : §absolute contraindications : § §no consent from next of kin §no consent from coroner (IRL/UK) – cause of death §family dissent/conflict about donation §advanced-stage disease (colon stage > T3 or breast > T1c) Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Criteria for organ donation : §relative contraindications to donation : § §sepsis, HIV positive, systemic viral infection , herpetic meningoencephalitis, neoplasms ( lymphoma, malignant melanoma,...), lung cancer, glioblastoma, .... § §early stage disease cancers (bowel and breast) can be acceptable for organ donation depending on staging and the disease- free interval Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Neurological death DBD (donation after brain death) : § §definition : §the irreversible loss of consciousness due to a known cause § loss of brain reflexes § apnoea in the presence of respiratory acidemia Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Neurological death : §aetiology : §cerebral haemorrhage, cerebrovascular embolism, hypoxic brain injury, , traumatic brain injury, meningitis, brain tumour, epilepsy, brain abscess, hydrocephalus,.. § §tests :brain stem test apnoea test §ancillary tests – radiology, audiometry,EEG, transcranial Doppler Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Neurological death – prerequisites : §known cause of death §drug free state – no sedatives, no muscle relaxants, no anesthetic agents, alcohol, opiods,.... §normothermia > 36 °C §avoid electrolyte imbalance , Na 130-155mmol/L, normal blood glucose levels, .... § §no endocrine imbalance Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Brainstem tests, apnoea test : § Curran Emer, 2020, Irish Organ Donation Handbook app, vrsion 5.10, MEG Software Adobe Systems ICU managment of potential organ donor : §ICU principles : §maintain euvoleamia §optimise cardiac output §lung protective ventilation §diabetes insipidus- Na/UO/ §prevent hypothermia §glyceamia control, (thyroid hormones, glucocortikoids, ...) ̶ Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Adobe Systems Donation after circulatory death (DCD) : §DCD – refers to the retrieval of organs for the purpose of transplantation from patients whose death is diagnosed and confirmed using cardio-respiratory criteria § §controlled /uncontrolled expected /unexpected §ICU, stroke unit /emergency department, out of hospital §UK, Australia /France, Spain . both Netherlands • Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Adobe Systems Perioperative management : §maintain clinical targets as in „normal“ patient §no need for opiods §muscle relaxants usually needed §low dose of sevoflurane (inhalational anesthetics) improves outcome • Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Adobe Systems Family approach : §principles §Care of the dying patient is of paramount importance!!! § §Measures to maintain the comfort and dignity of the patient must not be compromised for organ donation § Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Adobe Systems Family approach : §use clear language §obtain the patient’s clinical history §identify key family members §identify key family issues, including the need for family support §identify relevant cultural and religious issues § §all religions support the ethos of organ donation • Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Adobe Systems Donor identification summary : Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Curran Emer, 2020, Irish Organ Donation Handbook app, vrsion 5.10, MEG Software Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) Take home message : § § existence of organ donation program §organ donation program is a multidisciplinary task § §dealing with a family is very delicate matter Adobe Systems Intensive Care Medicine – (VLAM9X1a) thank you Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 2021 Adobe Systems