Učo : Group: Date: Month: Year: Name: VI. NOTICE: [ ] fill in the units in the square brackets Task: Conductometry Key words: conductivity, Siemens unit, resistance, physiological saline solution sample Temperature [ ] Conductivity [ ] tap water distilled water saturated salt solution physiological saline solution Discussion Importance for the medicine / connection with the health and illness: Possible errors and accuracy: Conclusion: Task: Audiometry Key words: sound intensity, level of intensity, decibel unit, hearing range Measured values: Frequency (Hz) Level of the intensity - left ear [ ] Level of the intensity - right ear [ ] 125 250 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 Graphs of the dependence of threshold level of the intensity (Y axis) on frequency (X axis) - both left and right ears. Highlight (eg with a circle) the minimal and maximal values: x - axis ………………………………… [ ] Discussion Importance for the medicine / connection with the health and illness: Possible errors and accuracy: Conclusion: Task: Doppler ultrasonic flowmeter Key words: ultrasound, doppler effect, systole, diastole (You will measure the rate of blood flow - velocity - over time in this task. The flow rate changes as the heart muscle contracts = systole and dilates=diastole) Measured values: Left hand -velocity [ ] Right hand- velocity [ ] Systolic section Diastolic section Plot the waveform of doppler signal for right or left hand (redraw the graph from the device display): x - axis ………………………………… [ ] Discussion Importance for the medicine / connection with the health and illness: Possible errors and accuracy: Conclusion: