Intestinal anastomoses
Anastomosis is the connection of two parts of the intestine.
It is constructed:
after a resection procedure, when the two ends of the
bowel are joined to restore continuity of the bowel
in palliative surgery, the anastomosis bypasses an
inoperable obstruction to the bowel, most commonly a tumour
Palliative procedure in case of colonic tumor
ileo-transverso anastomosis transverso-sigmoideo anastomosis
- hand made anastomoses
- stapler anastomoses
Stapler anastomosis
Hand made constructed
anastomosis end-to-end
Jan Muhammad Memon,
et al. Hand sewn single layer
serosubmucosal interrupted Vs. Continuous intestinal anastomosis., 2015
According to the type of junction we differentiate:
- end to end see a)
- end to side see b)
- side to side see c)