Czech for foreigners III

Týden 6: Traditional holidays. Grammar: Forming of Aspect in Czech. Medical Czech: NURSING III.

What to study

  1. Warm up: teacher's choice
  2. Conversation: traditional holidays
    • textbook, 97/2: work in groups, discuss: Jaké jídlo jíme? Co děláme?
  3. Forming aspect in czech language
    • textbook, p. 100, teacher's explanation
    • exercise 1 in the handout
  4. Nursing III.
    • exercises 3—6 in the handout

Aspect: files



  • exercise 2 in the handout: My life (Můj život): make  a list of
    • your achievements using perfective verbs (it can be even „small achievements“ such as: Poslal jsem email.)
    • your ongoing activities using imperfective verbs
    • use the vocabulary you already know + use the list of verbs
    • do not use translators
    • upload it to your homework vault