PhDr.Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. Psychological counselling & therapy Lipnická 1135 / Kounicova 61 549 49 3735 / 775 779 339 Bystřice pod Hostýnem /Brno Psychology of Mental Health and Well-being Work/Study-Life Balance & Stress Management (MUNI: aVLLP7X1 & aVLMH011) by Pavel Humpolíček Lesson 4 Topic: Psychosomatics Suggestions: Watching some short videos and thinking about the mentioned information. Short introduction: Experiencing psychosomatic phenomena is usually associated with many questions and followed by lots of misunderstandings. I was asking myself, what way is the best to present you - briefly - the main principles, or how to "open you the gate" to this very complex topic. There are many "blind alleys" directing to mysticism and esoteric; and (unfortunately) it´s not easy to (shortly) describe the boundaries between science and esotericism. Despite the above mentioned I am sure the topic of psychosomatic medicine is very important to be informed, to know "something more" than most of people around. The reason why: It would help you to live long & healthy life! So, let me suggest you just a few prime sources and - do hope - you´ll use these sources to seek for more and valuable ones. Psychosomatics - recommended online sources (for openers): Illness: Psychosomatic and Physical (audio; BCC Radio 4; Suzanne O'Sullivan & Charlie Howard; 43 min.) Article of David Robson (text; BBC Future; The very real pain of ‘imaginary’ illnesses) What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose (video case study; Jennifer Brea for TEDSummit; 17 minutes) And three full-text books available via IS.MU (PDF): These books are uploaded only for your personal use/purpose & I recommend you to find the content of each book and "follow your curiosity" ;o) Hope, you´ll find out the inspiration to your individual thoughts and gaining the experience. Feel free to contact me via email ( in case you have any questions or doubts. Pavel Humpolicek