Temporal region linea temporalis sup., arcus zygomaticus skin n. auricularis magnus m. temporoparietalis (n.VII.) a., v. temporalis spf. (v. retromandibularis n. auriculotemporalis fascia temporalis m. temporalis a.,v., n. temporalis prof. Regio parotideomasseterica Superior - arcus zygomaticus Ventral - m. masseter Caudal - mandible Posterior – line through tragus glandula parotis fascia parotideomasseterica ductus parotideus plexus parotideus n. VII. pars spf. et prof. gl. parotis a. temporalis spf. a. transversa faciei v. temporalis spf., v. retromandibularis n. auriculotemporalis Retromandibular region n.VII. r. stylohyoideus (m. stylohyoideus) r. digastricus (venter post. m. digastrici) n. auricularis post. a. auricularis post. (a. carotis ext.) Trigonum submandibulare Trigonum femorale Fossa poplitea Medial Ankle Lateral Ankle Fingers/Toes -dorsal side – skin: thin and movable on dorsal side (with hairs and nails), above the joints transverse flexion creases -dorsal digital nerves and vessles on the sides -the tendons of the extensors below subcutaneus tissue, attached to the dorsal aponeurosis - -palmar side – skin: à thick and not movable on palmar/plantar side (with tactile ridges) -subcutaneous fat pads -connective tissue attaches the skin to the fibrous sheaths of flexor tendons and to the periosteum -lymphatic plexus on ventral side in the subcutaneus tissue -proper palmar digital nerves and vessels à subcutaneously on the sides -tendons of superficial and deep flexor covered by fibrous and synovial sheaths à separated from common flexor sheat (except 1th finger -> flex.poll.long. thenar space in between the 2 heads of the short flexor with its own synovial sheath) - - Foramen omotricipitale and humerotricipitale Carpal tunel Suboccipital triangle