The aim of this seminar will be to provide an overview of the most important infectious agents transmitted through water, food, blood and sexual intercourse, incl. their epidemiology and prevention possibilities.
Special epidemiology I
- alimentary infections of the highest importance
- enterotoxicoses
- selected zoonoses
- viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
- sexual transmitted infections - overview
- Try to find the numbers of cases of hepatitis A, B and C diagnosed in 2018, 2019, 2020 in the Czech republic (tip: use the information). Why is there a declining trend in hepatitis B cases?
- Complete this chart:
Hepatitis RNA/DNA
virusIncubation period Anthroponosis/
ZoonosisTransmission Chronicity? Vaccination available? A B C E Prepare a short presentation or text comparing tapeworm infestation with Taenia saginata and Taenia solium (ways of transmission, clinicial signs).
Describe the infection mechanism and clinical sings of Clostridium perfringens type A and Clostridium botulinum toxicoses.
Prepare a short presentation or text on shigellosis (causative agents, source of infection, incubation period, infectious dose, clinical picture).
The lesson will be held in the form of a lecture. Students will be given space to perform the tasks set in advance.
The slides below should help students to prepare for the lesson and for the final test. Topics that are not included or are mentioned only marginally, but form part of the final exam, must be studied from textbooks (see recommended literature in IS).
1. HIV/Aids and Your Rights | Western Cape Government
2. STD infections summary: Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Information from CDC
3. Rules for food satefy: WHO "Golden Rules" for Safe Food Preparation - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization
Links for additional information:
1. Article on STD in the Czech republic (in Czech): Sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents (
2. Guidelines for post-exposure prophylaxis in the Czech republic (in Czech): Doporučený postup péče o dospělé infikované HIV a postexpoziční profylaxe infekce HIV
3. Guidelines for pre-exposure prophylaxe of HIV (in Czech): Pracovní postup pro poskytování preexpoziční profylaxe infekce HIV
4. Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases in Europe: Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases (
5. Guidelines for HIV treatment: Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Adults and Adolescent Living with HIV
6. A very interesting interview with associate professor Svatava Snopková, MD, on history of HIV and her patients (in Czech): MUDr. Svatava Snopková, Ph.D.: HIV není kontraindikací pro žádný způsob léčby - Fakultní nemocnice Brno (