Ochrana a podpora zdraví III - cvičení

Lifestyle-oriented counselling in prevention - Assessment methods and recommendations; Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

IO content - what you can find on this page for Tuesday's lesson:

  • Lesson objective
  • Structure - Lesson Schedule
  • Introductory text - introduction of the topic
  • Instructions for the required assignments
  • List of topics - assignments for the lesson
  • Content outline of the whole lesson - topic
  • Homework Vault
  • Study materials
  • State exam questions based on this lesson
The aim of the lesson

To master the methodology of a comprehensive preventive examination and subsequent individualized lifestyle counselling to reduce the risk of disease in general and to prevent cardiovascular and cancer diseases and to have a non-pharmacological beneficial effect on body disorders and diseases.

Structure - lesson timetable:

  • 8:00 - 10:00 Self preparation of the presentation according to the assignment
  • 10:00 - 12: Presentation of prepared assignments by individual students (annotated presentations) in the classroom, possible visit to the examination room to demonstrate relevant examination methods
  • 12:00 -13:00 Self-study
Introductory text - introduction of the topic

Preventive lifestyle counselling is an undervalued activity by physicians, often considered trivial and without much effect. Yet the opposite is true; it is one of the most powerful and effective ways to reduce the risk of disease and positively influence health overall. However, quality is an essential criterion - any specific recommendation must be supported by adequate evidence within the EBD framework. It is therefore not possible to make recommendations based on subjective opinion alone.

It is also important that the recommendations in the context of individual counselling are also based on the patient's specific condition, i.e. based on knowledge of the individual's risk profile. This also means that adequate counselling must be preceded by 'diagnosis' in the form of a preventive examination. Its aim is not only to detect any incipient, i.e. pre-pathological, changes in the body, but above all to describe not only the state of the body, but also the lifestyle, in its individual parameters. On this basis, it is then possible to recommend individually optimal measures, "tailored" to the individual, generally based on lifestyle modification, and at the same time corresponding to the overall general recommendations, approved and substantiated.

Such counselling is significantly effective not only for primary prevention, i.e. preventing the onset of disease, but also for improving - enhancing the effects of other therapies (e.g. pharmacological), or for the possibility of reducing dosage (and side effects) while maintaining the therapeutic effect.

The overall content of the lesson corresponds to this scheme - in addition to the introductory information on the health consequences and the criteria for classification of the factor, both methodological procedures for examination and general recommendations are given. These should then be adapted according to the individual risk profile.

Instructions for compulsory tasks

During the first two hours of class (8:00-10:00), prepare a presentation on the assigned topic.

Stick to each narrowly-specific topic as it is exactly assigned. Do not expand it to a more general level, nor to a related but different topic (which someone else will have).

You may use the study materials to prepare your presentation - the teacher's slides embedded here in the study materials (you may use complete whole slides, or adapt them), or other sources (but only scientifically based, EBD).

Prepare your presentation as a powerpoint file and have it ready to present by 10::00.

At 10:00, we will meet in the seminar room (as scheduled), and you will be called upon individually to give a prepared short presentation (up to 10 minutes).

For this session, there are a total of 10 - assignments - topics covering selected important areas.

If more than one student is assigned the same topic, only one student will be invited to present, randomly selected by the teacher. Optimally, all 10 topics should be presented, but this is not strictly necessary (the teacher may select only some topics, and the group will probably not present all of them). 

Your presentation of the assigned topic should benefit your colleagues, be clear and concise, and cover the exact topic assigned.

List of tasks – topics for the lesson

  1. Tools and procedures used in preventive examination and counselling on smoking.
  2. Methods of assessing alcohol consumption (quantification of consumption), other examinations regarding to alcohol.
  3. Criteria for hazardous drinking, harmful drinking, current recommendations on alcohol consumption.
  4. Methods for assessment of physical activity level (as part of preventive examination by GP).
  5. Current recommendations for physical activity (WHO 2020).
  6. Tools and procedures used in preventive examination and counselling on dietary habits (dietary consumption).
  7. Assessment of nutritional status (body composition) in healthy lifestyle counselling.
  8. Non-pharmacological (lifestyle) lowering of blood cholesterol.
  9. Non-pharmacological (lifestyle) lowering of BP. 
  10. Cancer prevention by lifestyle (recommendations).
Content outline of the whole lesson:

(The actual practical lesson may cover only a part of the relevant issues due to its scope, for the preparation for the test (and other follow-up exams - state exams) it is necessary to use self-study - see the attached study materials).

General preventive examination and counselling:

  • The system of general preventive examinations in the Czech Republic
  • Goals, determinants of health, importance of prevention and interventional lifestyle modification
  • Medical history and its use in counselling
  • Smoking - smoking status of the patient, categories, methods of detection. Determination of the degree of dependence. Interventions, method 5A, pharmacological help for cessation
  • Nutritional habits - methods of identifying and assessing nutritional habits realistically applicable in counselling (by a GP)
  • Forms of dietary recommendations and their applicability in counselling. Differences between DRV (reference intakes), FBDG and GDA. Graphical forms and how to work with them.
  • Advantages and disadvantages (risks) of different dietary guidelines.
  • Alcohol - defining risky drinking and harmful drinking, their criteria. Current recommendations for alcohol consumption. Tools for detecting and assessing alcohol use in the context of preventive screening and counselling (provided by a GP). Alcohol quantification - quantification, ABV and ABW, concept of alcohol unit. Possibilities of using biological markers.
  • Physical activity - methods of detecting and assessing physical activity levels, realistically applicable in counselling (provided by a GP). Parameters for assessing physical activity, MET and its practical applicability. Current recommendations for physical activity (WHO 2020)
  • BMI and its use in examination and counselling. Classification. Strengths and weaknesses of BMI.
  • Amount of body fat (percentage) - diagnostic criteria - classification, issues of recommended values (lack of agreement). Recommended procedure for determination.
  • Abdominal (waist) circumference - correct method of measurement, classification - diagnostic criteria, overall importance of this parameter as a marker of abdominal obesity and metabolic risk. Comparison with WHR, limits of WHR for practical use.
  • Blood pressure - classification of in-office and other types of measurements, emphasis on categories particularly suitable for non-pharmacological intervention. Correct assessment and formulation of appropriate intervention recommendations. 
  • Age reader - the potential use of glycation product assessment as a marker of CVD and diabetes risk.
  • Opportunities to use immediate biochemical testing in preventive screening and counselling.
  • Validated screening tests to assess nutritional status for malnutrition risk in the elderly and hospitalized patients. 

 Counselling for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD):

  • Classification of classes of recommendations according to their support by sufficient evidence, relationship to specific formulation. Specification of evidence quality requirements for each class of recommendations 
  • The SCORE system and its applicability specifically to lifestyle counselling
  •  The importance of examination and knowledge of medical history for lifestyle-based CVD prevention counselling
  • Physical activity in CVD prevention - evidence-based recommendations
  • Smoking interventions in CVD prevention counselling
  • Nutrition in the prevention of CVD - the importance and effect of different fatty acids (FAs) and the effect of substitution with other alternatives. Relationship to real food sources.
  • Importance of minerals in CVD prevention (counselling)
  • Importance of food groups and foods for prevention of CVD (fruit and vegetables, nuts, fish), effect of dietary guidelines (Mediterranean diet).
  • Alcohol and the risk of CVD
  • Non-pharmacological options for lowering blood cholesterol   
  • Options for non-pharmacological BP lowering
  • Principles of intervention of CVD risk factors at individual level - behavioural change

 Cancer prevention counselling:

  • Major causes of cancer globally
  • Classification of carcinogens and its real meaning and limits (includes only risk-increasing factors, not risk-reducing - protective). Explanation of the action of risk modifying factors at different levels.
  • Impact of tobacco on cancer risk.
  • Impact of infectious agents on cancer risk
  • Issues of quality of evidence of effect for assessing the impact of dietary factors on cancer risk, relevance to formulating recommendations (categorisation of eligibility of recommendations).
  • Effect of whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits on cancer risk
  • Effect of meat, fish and dairy products on cancer risk
  • Effect of alcohol on cancer risk
  • Effect of overweight and obesity on cancer risk
  • Effect of physical activity on cancer risk
  • Summary of factors with no proven effect (myths)
  • Summary of the main points of dietary recommendations for cancer prevention (9 points)

Study materials:

The questions for the State Exam, which are based directly on this lesson

A – Hygiene and Preventive Medicine

30)  Lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - goals and implementers, main steps. The importance of lifestyle factors as determinants of health, attributable risk in etiology of major non-transmissible diseases. The importance of an individual risk profile assessment.

31)  Smoking in lifestyle-oriented preventive counseling – main steps within a short intervention: Diagnosis of the smoking status, tools for assessing the degree of dependence. Rationale and argumentation for the patient. Methods and assistance in quitting.

32)  Alcohol in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - the impact of alcohol on health, an attributive contribution to the risk of major diseases. Health problems related to alcohol use - differentiation of alcohol dependence and health damage (without the presence of dependence). Defining hazardous drinking, risk criteria. Alcohol screening - a distinction between identifying alcohol-related problems and quantifying consumption. AUDIT questionnaires and other short questionnaires. Determining the amount of alcohol, alcohol unit. Recommendations for the population.

33)  Nutrition in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - recommended methods for evaluating nutritional habits in common practice. Use of general and individualized dietary (nutritional) recommendations. Critical summary of alternative diets and dietary patterns, their possible benefits and risks (Mediterranean pattern, vegetarianism, veganism, keto-diet and others).

34)  Physical activity in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - recommended methods for evaluation of physical activity level (PAL) in common practice, methods of quantification and categorization according to the guidelines. Current recommendations of physical activity for the population. Global recommendations on physical activity for health, WHO health, American physical activity guidelines 2018. Individual prescription of physical activity.

35)  Anthropometric examination and its evaluation in lifestyle-oriented preventive counselling - importance, evaluation and use of main indicators, their strengths and weaknesses. BMI, abdominal circumference, body fat percentage. The limits of WHR index. Problematics of NWO (normal weight obesity) and sarcopenic obesity. Link to behavioral recommendations.

36)  Prevention of cardiovascular diseases - counselling, recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases through lifestyle. An overview of the most important lifestyle factors affecting the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Based on sufficient evidence, current recommendations (European recommendations 2016 and AHA American recommendations 2019), new findings.

37)  Blood pressure - evaluation in the framework of preventive examinations and lifestyle-oriented counselling, factors influencing the risk of hypertension, possibilities of non-pharmacological intervention for favourably influencing elevated BP.

38)  Blood cholesterol - evaluation as part of preventive examinations and lifestyle advice. Factors affecting plasma levels, possibilities of non-pharmacological intervention for favourably influencing blood cholesterol.

39)  Possibilities of primary prevention of cancer - the main causes of cancer globally. Importance of the quality of evidence for risk assessment and formulation of recommendations. A realistic look at the importance of the carcinogens (class A). Smoking as a major controllable cancer risk. Effect of nutritional and dietary factors (food groups), body weight and physical activity. Summary of main recommendations for primary prevention of cancer.