Čeština pro cizince I Dentistry
Týden 5: Progress test 1. Food and drink. In a restaurant. (Lesson 3/1)
Materials to study from
Česky krok za krokem 1: textbook p. 25—27, workbook p. 27—29
What to study
- Vocabulary:
- study food: Textbook, p. 25/ex. 2: listen and repeat (link for audio: here), fill in the gaps related to photos
- study other words in Textbook, p. 32
- practice new vocabulary - match a Czech word with a picture - link
- work with the menu on page 25: read the menu and fill in the missing words from the blue headline.
- practice new vocabulary - sort the words into the suitable section of the menu - link
- Grammatical gender: revise the topic, work with Textbook, p. 26
- Dialogue - listening and reading:
- Textbook p. 27/ ex. 2 - Listen to a dialogue (link) and answer the questions in the exercise.
- Textbook p. 27/ ex. 3 - Listen to the dialogue once again, fill in the missing words.
- Textbook p. 27/ ex. 5 - Read the phrases, decide who says it - waiter or guest?
- Practice the phrases from the dialogue - sort the parts of the dialogue (link)