General English
Books from Jana: Harry Potter - Halfblood Prince, Little women, One day
29 Aug
Unit 1A / 1, 2, 3
Homework for Tuesday 30th Aug: Workbook 1A / 1, 2, 3
1B (completed), Homework: page 9/exercise 6, and WB 1B (self-check according to the key)
30 Aug
1C (completed), Homework: 1C in Work Book, self-check using the Key
Conversation - How can we strengthen our immunity? (Students prepared infographics and talked about them)
Medicine - my motivation, trends in research
Unit 1A / 6; Unit 1D / 3, 4
Optional homework: WB 9/ 2,3
31 Aug
Unit 2A / 1-5
Homework: Podcast "The Unwritten Rules"
Use: 1 question tag; 1 modal verb; 1 new word, phrase, collocation
Deadline: Friday 2 Sept
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2B (completed), Homework for Friday: read again the rules for Present Simple and Present Continuous on page 17, complete exercise 4 on page 116.
1 September
Unit 2C + questions giving advice from 2D
Homework: 2C reading It´s a nightmare! + questions 6a
Grammar revision Gradable and un-gradable adverbs - handout distributed in class
2 Sep
Science Conversation - immunity (revision), first aid and injuries, Homework for Wednesday: learn the vocabulary in exercises 3 and 4 in the handout Science conversation 2
Unit 2D + questionnaire What kind of learner are you
Homework for Monday: SB p. 21 task 7a
Questionnaire task 2 Which are the best ways to learn English - order the ways